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06-02-2011, 06:53 PM
can maple syrup be used to make alcohol?

Flat Lander Sugaring
06-02-2011, 08:01 PM
it can be used to inhance a beer product, I have done that. To use pure syrup to make alcohol? I'm not sure.
I made a porter a few times and after the first 1o days or so I dumped 1/2 gal of C into it, let it ferment another 10 to 14 days. It was good;)

You make "mead" out of honey I wonder if you can make it out of syrup?

think this is my Killians Red with some LT Amber in it

06-02-2011, 08:02 PM
it can be used to inhance a beer product, I have done that. To use pure syrup to make alcohol? I'm not sure.
I made a porter a few times and after the first 1o days or so I dumped 1/2 gal of C into it, let it ferment another 10 to 14 days. It was good;)

You make "mead" out of honey I wonder if you can make it out of syrup?

If anyone would know on this site it is Flat Lander for sure!

Flat Lander Sugaring
06-02-2011, 08:30 PM
If anyone would know on this site it is Flat Lander for sure!

(R)hello< my name is Rusty
(AAA)"welcome" Rusty
(R)I think I might have a problem
(AAA) Well Rusty this is the first step for the first day for the rest of your life, One day at a time
(R) .................................................. .....

06-02-2011, 08:40 PM
I have made maple mead and maple sap wine--both are fun to make and enjoyable.There are plenty of recipes online.

Flat Lander Sugaring
06-03-2011, 05:19 AM
I have made maple mead and maple sap wine--both are fun to make and enjoyable.There are plenty of recipes online.

whats your's?

06-03-2011, 05:23 AM
I use maple syrup to start our apple cider wine. There is a winery at Seneca Falls NY that makes a maple liquor.

Gary R
06-03-2011, 05:43 AM
I've made maple wine a couple of times. Dilute B syrup to 21 brix, adjust acid and add yeast. I'm going to start using syrup to sweeten some of my wines, like apple.

06-03-2011, 06:27 AM
can maple syrup be used to make alcohol?

Pretty much anything with a high enough sugar content can be fermented to make alcohol.

06-03-2011, 06:50 AM
Here's a local distillery that uses maple syrup.


06-04-2011, 09:07 PM
Okay Flat Lander, My favorite is pretty uncomplicated.You won't even need a wine hydrometer to make it.All you need is a 5 gal.pail with a tight fitting lid, and an airlock and airlock rubber cork(you can buy 'em all over).Sanitation is VERY important,pour boiling water on the inside of the pail & the cover too.The airlock is fitted to the pail cover by drilling a hole slightly smaller than the cork and inserting it. Then in a pot- boil 1 gal. grade B with 2 gal and 1 qt. of water. Bring to a boil-add eight tablespoons of bottled lemon juice and let it cool to about 80*,dump it into the pail,then pour 1 packet of wine yeast on top.Cover with bucket lid and airlock(which you fill to the line on the airlock with water) and wait until it stops bubbling-- some where from 9 t0 12 weeks.Make certain the water level in the airlock does not go dry.Then using a sanitized piece of sap line, siphon the wine into another sanitized pail, leaving the gunk on the bottom of the original pail.Replace cover and airlock, wait a month. Then you can siphon into sanitized bottles and cork, or screw caps down. Store in a place where it won't do any harm in case a bottle may explode,which almost never happens,but there is a remote chance it may.Makes about 6 bottles Wait 6 month before drinking.NEVER drink more than one bottle at a time,you may scorch your syrup pans if you do!!!

06-05-2011, 07:43 AM
I've made maple wine a couple of times. Dilute B syrup to 21 brix, adjust acid and add yeast. I'm going to start using syrup to sweeten some of my wines, like apple.

Thanks Gary - I made a lot of various wines years ago and just like syrup making - the Hydrometer is all important. I knew the sugar was way - way too high in maple syrup to make a drinkable product and would have to cut it with a lot of water before the first fermentation. Wine can only ferment to about 12% alcohol and too much sugar (in any form) will just mean a very sweet wine. I would put my yeast in a little warm water and stir it up before mixing it into my must to start fermentation. Thanks again for the information - some of the Gals in my family like their wine and I just might make some and see if they like it --- Mike

Flat Lander Sugaring
06-05-2011, 08:33 AM
Okay Flat Lander, My favorite is pretty uncomplicated.You won't even need a wine hydrometer to make it.All you need is a 5 gal.pail with a tight fitting lid, and an airlock and airlock rubber cork(you can buy 'em all over).Sanitation is VERY important,pour boiling water on the inside of the pail & the cover too.The airlock is fitted to the pail cover by drilling a hole slightly smaller than the cork and inserting it. Then in a pot- boil 1 gal. grade B with 2 gal and 1 qt. of water. Bring to a boil-add eight tablespoons of bottled lemon juice and let it cool to about 80*,dump it into the pail,then pour 1 packet of wine yeast on top.Cover with bucket lid and airlock(which you fill to the line on the airlock with water) and wait until it stops bubbling-- some where from 9 t0 12 weeks.Make certain the water level in the airlock does not go dry.Then using a sanitized piece of sap line, siphon the wine into another sanitized pail, leaving the gunk on the bottom of the original pail.Replace cover and airlock, wait a month. Then you can siphon into sanitized bottles and cork, or screw caps down. Store in a place where it won't do any harm in case a bottle may explode,which almost never happens,but there is a remote chance it may.Makes about 6 bottles Wait 6 month before drinking.NEVER drink more than one bottle at a time,you may scorch your syrup pans if you do!!!

thanks, I have all the equipment just your recipe is cool,does the smoke/liquer store still have decent supplies there in Bennington?

Maple Hobo
07-05-2011, 08:34 PM
Some of the old timer locals here in WV used to make a maple beer out of partly reduced maple sap, some toasted local grains (barley or oats), add a little hops and some cake yeast.

They dumped the hot concentrate into the container, added the grains they toasted in the oven, added the wort (hops?) and added the yeast when the liquid was luke warm.

No one seems to recall the exact recipe anymore, but they all agree its NOT the mead or wine recipe people have been working with now.

Meant to try it this year durring maple season but didn't get around to it.

Might try making RUM out of some old syrup... never seems to last that long though....hehehe

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-05-2011, 09:32 PM
Some of the old timer locals here in WV used to make a maple beer out of partly reduced maple sap, some toasted local grains (barley or oats), add a little hops and some cake yeast.

They dumped the hot concentrate into the container, added the grains they toasted in the oven, added the wort (hops?) and added the yeast when the liquid was luke warm.

No one seems to recall the exact recipe anymore, but they all agree its NOT the mead or wine recipe people have been working with now.

Meant to try it this year durring maple season but didn't get around to it.

Might try making RUM out of some old syrup... never seems to last that long though....hehehe

ohhh come on RockHaven, we all know its a stil, theres no revenuers on here:lol:
that would be cool if some one could come up with the recipe