View Full Version : 100%

06-01-2011, 06:33 PM
Just curious to know whom out there is basically 10% ready for next year already? I would assume that there are a few out there that are basically ready once they clean all of the equipment and finish their wood (if you burn it).

red maples
06-01-2011, 07:36 PM
If I don't expand anything or change anything (which I would like to add on about 25 taps and just a few tweeks here and there but if I don't get to it no big deal but I am sure I will ) I need to do 8 more cords of wood. I have to get new CV's new filters and prefilters. uh I think thats it for this year. ;)

the first few years are the toughest because you getting things set up and still learning.

I am always learning but the basics are there now. So expansion is done by sales of syrup made. I am not "planning" on using anymore of my money for maple it needs to support itself from here on out!!! this year was a log splitter business expenses and the little add-ons, etc etc etc. and hopefully some left over to put away for the sugarhouse addition for next year.

06-01-2011, 08:12 PM
If I don't expand anything or change anything (which I would like to add on about 25 taps and just a few tweeks here and there but if I don't get to it no big deal but I am sure I will ) I need to do 8 more cords of wood. I have to get new CV's new filters and prefilters. uh I think thats it for this year. ;)

the first few years are the toughest because you getting things set up and still learning.

I am always learning but the basics are there now. So expansion is done by sales of syrup made. I am not "planning" on using anymore of my money for maple it needs to support itself from here on out!!! this year was a log splitter business expenses and the little add-ons, etc etc etc. and hopefully some left over to put away for the sugarhouse addition for next year.

well I will get there in oh about 3 years from now! haha..good job! Yeah, your telling me its quite the feat to get everything going in one year. but i will get there!

06-01-2011, 09:20 PM
There is no such thing as 100% ready in the maple world. The first seconf you think something crazy like that you will remember the list of upgrades that are in order. Whatever that may be at the time I will get the sap through the pans and syrup on the table in time every time.

06-01-2011, 09:44 PM
last nail never exist...:rolleyes:

06-02-2011, 05:01 AM
Just curious to know whom out there is basically 10% ready for next year already? I would assume that there are a few out there that are basically ready once they clean all of the equipment and finish their wood (if you burn it).

LOL - Yep - Yep - I'm about 10% ready in most things - most of the time. Including Maple Syrup making. Somehow I get it together when needed. The 100% thing is impossible for mere mortals...... So is "Perfect"...... The Almighty deals in 100% and Perfect..... 10% is cool for little - old me - Mike

Flat Lander Sugaring
06-02-2011, 05:53 AM
I'm still figuring out a cord of wood in pallets in metric system:lol:, I might be ready

06-02-2011, 05:59 AM
3rdgen. is right,your never 100% ready no matter how hard you plan.I thought I was this season but,NOOOO I wasn't.So this year I have started a lot earlier and I am about 50% there give or take about 25%:lol:.I still need to get more metal for my hood and stack but should be ready by Feb.Yea, right!

Brad W Wi
06-02-2011, 06:03 AM
I've got everything cleaned up from this year. Wood cut split and stacked for next year 2012. I've got my wood for 2013 cut and staked in the woods. My lists for the sugar bush are done. I'm sure I'll find I forgot something along the way.

06-02-2011, 07:17 AM
I've got everything cleaned up from this year. Wood cut split and stacked for next year 2012. I've got my wood for 2013 cut and staked in the woods. My lists for the sugar bush are done. I'm sure I'll find I forgot something along the way.

Hey Brad,
Stop it !, you are making me feel bad, I won't be "READY" even when boiling and bottling next year. Just kidding, good for you.
Do have a good size pile of wood, but also lots of upgrades coming this next year.

06-04-2011, 07:25 AM
Always 80% ready, but its the 20% that kills me!!!

06-04-2011, 07:35 AM
storm damage here is a full time job.seem to never get ahead.more trees down this week.never 100%

06-04-2011, 07:43 AM
I hear yeah. We have had some decent storms too. hence the reason why I wont put up my mainline till september I think