View Full Version : Gas RO

maple flats
05-30-2011, 06:58 AM
Has anyone on here had experience with a gas (or diesel) powered RO made by Ray Gingerich, an Amishman, from Orwell, Ohio?
It is my understanding at this point that the RO's he makes run at 300 PSI. Anyone here have one? If yes, how does it work? Can you go to 8% in one pass and can you clean the membrane on the RO?
From what I've been told he makes units with 125 gph modules and offers 1,2,3,4 or 8 for hid different sizes. There are 3 different size engines covering the range.

Gary R
05-30-2011, 07:04 AM

PM Daryl, he is getting his home built RO reworked by Ray. We also have an Association member that has one. That one does run on electricity though. I don't know their names but Daryl may. Good Luck!

maple flats
05-30-2011, 01:20 PM
Daryl gave me his name but I got no answer when I called. Will try again.
I just got off the phone with Ray Gingerich, the one who makes the Gas RO. He is pricing a 375 and a 500 GPH unit for me. I like what he has to say. He also said Steve Child, Cornell maple specialist is having one built to run a test to prove that ro's can be cleaned without soap and detergents. Mind you, this has not been tested yet, but tests will run next year.

05-30-2011, 02:46 PM
ray is a friend of mine have seen the gas one work .works out good .the price is right to hope you can get togethert with him has answered all my questions over the years.

05-30-2011, 06:33 PM
In the pamphlet that I have they come with a stainless wash tank attached so I assume they can be cleaned like any normal ro? I too am interested in one and would like to hear more from anyone that owns one. The high pressur pump looks like a regular powerwasher pump.

maple flats
05-30-2011, 07:14 PM
Ray Gingerich told me the pump will reach 350 but the max that it should be allowed to reach is 300 because the membranes are only rated at 300 PSI. Thus he offers a high pressure cut off switch. If that option is not gotten you should keep an eye on it and not let it run on it's own. I do not know the type of pump.

maple flats
06-04-2011, 04:22 PM
Ray Gingerich has a quote in the mail for a 350 and a 500 GPH gas RO with a propane conversion kit. On the phone he said the conversion costs a little over $200. I will be connecting it to my bulk propane tank.
Now I'll need to start looking for a permeate tank. What is the recommended size in relation to the rated GPH? I'm really leaning towards the 500 GPH.

06-04-2011, 08:15 PM
with your tap count, id spring for a 500, especially if growth is in your future.

06-04-2011, 08:20 PM
Dave, most will say permeate tank should be equal to gallons/ hr of ro. I ran a 300 gallon for my 250 in 2010. This year I added a 225 to the 300. Late season warm days I like to wash even on light runs. There were some days I would have liked more rinse water. I guess I am saying save as much permeate as you can.


Homestead Maple
06-04-2011, 08:43 PM
Ray Gingerich has a quote in the mail for a 350 and a 500 GPH gas RO with a propane conversion kit. On the phone he said the conversion costs a little over $200. I will be connecting it to my bulk propane tank.
Now I'll need to start looking for a permeate tank. What is the recommended size in relation to the rated GPH? I'm really leaning towards the 500 GPH.

Is there a difference in the size of the motor to run a ro on propane vs gasoline? I know the hp rating on a regular vehicle that is run on propane is less. What do you pay a gallon for propane? Diesel is over $4.00 a gallon. There must be special switches to shut a gas or diesel ro down if your pump pressure is low or you run out of raw sap to feed the ro unit or are they designed to have someone in attendance all the time the ro is in operation?

maple flats
06-05-2011, 05:51 AM
The question was asked about motor size and the mfgr says it will be good at the same size because the engine is slightly oversized to start with but the next smaller is working too close to it's rated hp so he uses the next larger. My concern was because I've noticed generators are down rated for propane. The switches to shut down the RO stop the spark. I need to study if propane pressure on a stopped carb causes any concern. I may need to have a selonoid valve, normally closed in the supply line, and a switch from my solar power to run it as needed. I will study that issue. The mfgr said on diesel the shut off is with selonoid switches. Before I make my final decision I will decide of propane, gas or diesel works out best. With diesel I could connect a big tank outside the building and just run a fuel line. I could fill it by hauling diesel from my 300 gal tank. I have never had a gelling issue, I use a Power Service diesel treatment and my tractors run well below zero. The RO would never encounter those temps or the sap would not have run. While I am leaning towards propane, my other choice would be diesel, with electric start. I'm still comparing the issues.

maple flats
06-05-2011, 06:11 AM
I see propane down ratings from 6% to 8.2% from gas performance. The bigger unit had the larger loss. I looked at tri fuel generators and compared the rated watts on each fuel. I could also go gas and just haul the fuel daily or get a bulk tank for that too for fuel truck deliveries. If I went with a tank I'd need at least 150 gal because my supplier will not deliver less than 100 gal and I would not want to run out before ordering. The propane thought was because they deliver lesser amounts and it never goes stale like gasoline.