View Full Version : Homemade Candy Machine-Anybody make one?

05-26-2011, 02:23 PM
I've seen several posts about homemade cream machines. But has anyone made a candy machine, perhaps one similar to the Sipple Candy Machine available from Leader? If so, I'd love to know how you made it.

05-26-2011, 04:58 PM
I saw a commercial one that used a oderfer gear pump and it get circulating

05-27-2011, 06:24 PM
I built one from a kit. Found the main parts here on the trader and then put it together. I think there are some pictures on here somewhere. Its about 40% home made.:)
Good luck, You can build about anything if you have some tools, time and talent.

05-27-2011, 07:40 PM
Where did you get the Screw Auger? That's the one thing for which I can't find a source.

05-28-2011, 05:51 AM
Look at yard sales and flea markets for a meat grinder cause they have augers on them

05-29-2011, 07:24 PM
I have two screws one is a right hand and one is a left hand. I have a motor that cannot be reversed so I had to have the opposite hand made. Local fab shop made it by copying the old one. ( so I do have spare that is not of much value to me right now) Good luck on the build of the candy machine.

09-23-2011, 07:40 AM
I finally had an opportunity to see a real candy machine at the Big E, while helping out at the Vermont Sugarmakers booth. I originally had thought that the mixing mechanism was like a meat grinder auger. But the ones that I saw were shaped more like a large, stainless steel spring .

Today I noticed that the discarded icemaker tray from my freezer had one of those stainless steel spring-shaped mechanisms. It's shorter and a bit larger than the "real" candy machine, but I think it will work.

Now I just need a motor, some stainless sheet metal, and I'm in business - I think. Maybe something will materialize before Spring 2012 arrives.

backyard sugaring
05-03-2015, 10:02 PM
Papa Smith, Thanks for giving me the idea to use the ice maker auger for a candy machine. My Dad and I built a beautiful machine. It works like the store bought machines. We didn't build a pig, we used a pan with faucet that is tilted to pour the hot syrup into the trough that was a 6 stainless steel duct with welded ends. I bought a 50 rpm 12 volt motor from Amazon with a 110 convertor. My daughter loves to make candy with it.