View Full Version : Will my sap run later than most ??

05-20-2011, 09:45 AM
Hello once again everybody:

Even off season I enjoy coming to this site, it is so nice to be a member here.

I live in Northern Ontario, border town to Soo Michigan, approx. 300 miles north of Detroit.

When the Maples start in Southern Michigan and/or Vermont area, will my trees start running at the same time or maybe a week or two later?

I guess my question is ...Does it take time for the sap to run as you go more north?

Any input is appreciated.



05-20-2011, 10:37 AM
Terry - Your trees will definitely start running later than most as you are at the northern limits of the maple producing area. Folks in Ohio will be about done for the year when we start tapping. Producers in Southern Ontario will start and finish about a week earlier than we do in Eastern Ontario. Latitude isn't the only factor - elevation also plays a roll. Some areas of Vermont and NY are very high above sea level and will run later than those people closer in elevation to the Great Lakes.

Ally you need to do is watch the forecast starting late February and talk to other local producers to get an idea about when they normally start tapping.

Good luck!

05-20-2011, 12:17 PM
May I suggest this approach:
Go to Environment Canada http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/city/pages/on-162_metric_e.html
Select your site. (Sault Ste Marie ?)
Look for the link to Historical Data.
Search for the beginning of daily highs in the +2 to +5 region. This would nominally be the start of the flow, (depending on how hard the freeze was in the preceeding days).
Sap flow will likely peak 2-3 weeks later when you get good swings of +5 to 10 daytime, and below freezing night time.
End of the flow will be when you no longer get reliable nighttime freezes.

If you're handy with excel, you could download several years of data and look for a pattern.

For example, my farm (southern Quebec) mean start is March 10, and normal end is late April. But my home is 300 km south, and the season starts/ends at least two weeks earlier here.

I find the EC prediction very reliable, at least for the temperatures, but not for snowfall. We are at 45 deg latitude, 500 m elevation and surrounded by mountains.
Your mileage may differ.

05-20-2011, 01:36 PM
That information is appreciated.

My wife is a teacher, we take our kids away each March Break, (no choice)this could be trouble, LOL.

I told my wife " What if sap starts running March Break week, could she take the kids alone next year" !!

Just kidding, I wouldn't miss our annual family trip.

I just hope the sap has started to run before I leave, or after I get back. I could always ask a buddy to empty my buckets and pails while I,m away !!

Do people post here when they start to tap each year? If so, I can just check online,,,wherever I am and know the sap status each year.



05-20-2011, 03:52 PM
You just have to go to the index, and look at Tapping Canada 2011 or next spring, 2012, or any state close by your place, and a lot of info will be avalaible, everyone here wait for next season..