View Full Version : maple cream, thawing in the microwave

Jim Schumacher
05-19-2011, 09:27 PM
I made about ten 8oz jars full of maple cream with the first syrup off the evaporator this season. I made the cream within a few days from the time I took it off the evaporator. It turned out pretty well. I stored the containers in glass in the freezer. I don't sell it (yet) and don't use it as a spread or to cook with. I keep one container in the fridge at all times and spoon about two teaspoons in my mouth every time I walk by. Today I found my container in the fridge to be empty (Angela) so I took one (last one) out of the freezer and put it in the microwave for about ten seconds to soften it. Now it is super lumpy. It has a consistency that is very unappealing while the taste is normal. What did the microwave do? Is this an isolated incident or has someone else had this happen?

05-20-2011, 06:53 AM
I noticed when I nuked mine that not all got melted so I stirred it all together and it was fine