View Full Version : New guy introduction with questions

05-19-2011, 03:08 PM
Hi all, have been lurking on the forum for a bit and figured I'd introduce myself. Name's Tom, I'm from Burlington, Vt. I am moving toward being self employed as a furniture maker and this past year taught me that NOONE in the world wants to spend a decent amount of cash (say, on a piece of furniture) between January and April. Some years ago (early 90's), my pop and I looked at a then defunct sugarbush in Charlotte and he looked into getting it up and running, but couldn't really make it work. The thought stayed with me, so now I'm thinking that maybe, when I make the leap to fully self employed, sugaring could help things along and be something to do for that part of the year (or maybe more).

Has anyone gone this route? Has anyone approached other landowners about starting on their land? Pitfalls to avoid/experience? Lease terms? etc etc etc. I guess I'm really looking to pick someone's brain and get a few pointers.

Thanks everyone for contributing to this site, I have found it helpful so far.

05-19-2011, 06:04 PM
Tom --- Welcome aboard -- Anything is possible and their are many Folks on this site who can offer You the advice You need. I'm not qualified to say much on the business side of Maple Syrup making as I do it for a hobby and give it away. But - I can say - the very best of luck. -- Mike

shane hickey
05-19-2011, 10:38 PM
To become full time sugaring is possible but it takes alot oftaps usally the the only way a producer cann get bigger is to lease woods. It takes alot of money. To get started. But once. Everything. Is paid for. You make alot of money. Good luck to ya need help there are lots of folks here that can give you useful information.
