View Full Version : Sugar Bush open house

05-16-2011, 10:59 AM
Anyone here go to Sugar Bush Supplies open house? I had to work i really wanted to go, what did i miss?

05-16-2011, 12:19 PM
I got there at 2pm because I was tring to sell syrup on a cold rainy day at the farmers market. I did spend some time with Bradly from Leader on the Vortex arch, I like the concept and the boiling rate was impressive and it was the same size as my present evaporator. So it will slide right into the existing space. I just need more tappes commited for the next 10yrs before I go and spend money on that scale. Got to catch some of the candy/cream seminar. My s-i-l was there all day and was soaking in all the info. Kirk was there also maybe he will chime in soon.

05-17-2011, 09:26 AM
The place was busy, but I did get all my questions answered. I talked with Bradley also for a while. We puchased a new evaporator and just needed to talk with him some more on tricks to running the thing and any other ideas and thoughts he might have. The candy and cream was a nice class. It's amazing how easy it is to make when you finally get comfortable doing it. And of course the right equipment. The vortex arch with the all raised max fluepan and revolution syrup pan was really nice. The boil was pretty impressive. Did I mention there was a lot of people.