View Full Version : Tapping a bush with active four wheeler and snowmobile traills

05-14-2011, 08:43 PM
Hi where most of the mapls are located on my property there are active trails how can I tap these on gravity and I think that there is at least three hundred taps

05-14-2011, 10:09 PM
Do you like the people using the trails and are they your main trails?

I have 3 different tanks and 10 mainlines, so I can get around the bush without ducking under lines.

You could also setup quick disconnects on your mains to cross a trail and just have them hooked up during the season.

Make sure you have adequate insurance.

05-14-2011, 11:31 PM
The property I tap has a snowmobile trail traversing it for about a mile. It's a mixed blessing. The aspect of having a hard packed groomed trail is admittedly nice in the winter. It aids access to the far corners of the bush on foot and by 4 wheeler.On the downside , there are 8 places where our tubing crosses the trail. The necessary disconnect/reconnect routine is a chore each year. Soil erosion is another negative impact to consider. Once it gets started its not easy to get vegetation re-established under a shade canopy of hardwood trees. Little ruts can grow to 3 foot deep gullies surprisingly fast.
Stay in touch with the club and it 's trail bosses on safety and maintenance issues.
Depending on how your state deals with property taxes, there may also be an impact if your assessor decides to rate the property as "recreational" because of the trails presence.

05-15-2011, 05:02 AM
The trails are pretty much just personal ANSI think that I will go with quickmconnects

05-15-2011, 08:04 AM
you can only use the quick disconnects without mainline wire right. Since i will be extending another 400' of mainline now, it will cut off my atv trail to the top of my property.I wont know for sure until I run the wire though, cause of terrain, it might actually be higher at the trail and as long as I can duck uner it I will be fine.

05-15-2011, 08:56 AM
I am installing my tubing system in a way so that I can still use my trails. In some areas my tubing is high enough to drive under. What makes me nervous is side tie wire that is difficult to be seen by someone riding off the trail.

05-15-2011, 12:09 PM
If you use scrap tubing and thread the wire through before you tie it up it becomes more visible. You can use 5/16 or even 1/2 or 3/4" Just leave room to snug up the line. A good use for old blue tubing as it shows up well.

05-15-2011, 12:12 PM
Yeah you don't use wire to get it across the trail. So I had wire anchored at either end of where the trail is. When I tied the mainline to the wire I pulled it tight across the trail and started hanging it again. Then you can cut the hose and put in the quick connecters. I use rerod and twine close together to keep it up. My uncle has some where you need 2 guys to put the line together.

Heus you could use the flagging tape to show where it is?

05-15-2011, 02:40 PM
Not sure how your woods is but I ran my mains along the roads and at low spots I would run it under the road. Put it thru a sleeve of 2 or 3 inch pipe. Use my woods 365 days a year and never worry about a line crossing the road.


05-15-2011, 09:24 PM
I have one of my bushes that has about 40% of my taps and in the summer cattle has access to the woods about 3 or 4 months and I push all the lateral lines up the trees to where they are about 6' to 8' off the ground and they never both them. Mainlines have barbed wire above and/or below them and they never both them either.

05-16-2011, 07:46 AM
I have to take down a mainline across the neighbor's pasture every year to keep the cattle from damaging it. I had thought about running the wire through insulators and hooking it to the electric fence. Some of it would be high enough so the cattle could walk under it, so it wouldn't divide the pasture. Can anybody see problems with this. Cattle aren't there during sugar season, so the juice would be shut off.