View Full Version : The Northern Pass Project

05-12-2011, 07:42 AM
Don't know how many of you will be effected by the proposed Northern Pass project but we have an existing ROW through our sugar bush and stand to lose up to 100 taps along the ROW and could lose more through eminent domain.

There will be a Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting Thursday, May 19th at 1:15 on House Bill 648, which deals with a private company (like Northern Pass LLC - 1st cousin to Hydro Quebec & PSNH) being able to take your land by eminent domain. The hearing will be held in Concord at the State Office Building in Reps Hall (Second Floor). Reps Hall is quite large and we hope to fill it! This is a big one! For a copy of HB648 go to the Legislative Dashboard (http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/) and in the box type in HB648. Check out http://www.nonorthernpassnh.blogspot.com/ for information about the proposed Northern Pass project.

Thanks, George

05-12-2011, 09:36 AM
What BS. This happened to me a few years back and Although we didnt tap the trees at the time I wish I could now. There are a few hundred perfect sugarmaples that fell into the eminant domain bs and the state put an easement up along the whole length of the river bank on everyones private land except one. That one would be the state senator at the time. The best part is I still pay the taxes and cannot even touch a dead tree lying on the ground for firewood. My property value is still assest with that peice of land as well and seeing how its river front property it has a high assesment. We my friends are owned by the government wether we like it or not. Freedom is going fast. I highly suggest contacting every legislature in your state and start a rally to end this proposal. The people need to be heard.

red maples
05-12-2011, 10:07 AM
Yes, this is a terrible thing!!! I will not be able to make it, but with the amount of people that this BS thing will effect I don't see an issue with filling the Hall!!! NH supposed to be "live free or die" well not when big brother and industry step in!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

05-12-2011, 11:25 AM
Dont try something against Hydro Quebec...You will loose your time.
They do what they want everywhere here:(

05-12-2011, 02:03 PM
Yes CBOYER, Hard to fight the Crown. Your government needs the cash to pay for social programs and our trade deficit grows, yes this is an import country. About all we export any more is jobs. And NSTAR and NU want to buy HQ power instead of Cape Wind after they shut down the Dominion Salem plant so they can build a casino on the $65,000,000 site. And all we get is a 180 mile scar and 135' towers. Gotta love it.


orange county maple
05-14-2011, 05:50 AM
That sucks but better than a nuke plant in your back yard or coal burning plant, those power sources could cause a lot more problems with your sugarbush. Who wants radioactive syrup anyway. Look at the bright side, here in Vt we can not have power because the tree huggers will have obstructed views, better than looking through smog from a coal power plant. The power for your high vac has to come from somewhere just not your backyard, but mine would be fine right cause it doesn't affect you.

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-14-2011, 06:22 AM
That sucks but better than a nuke plant in your back yard or coal burning plant, those power sources could cause a lot more problems with your sugarbush. Who wants radioactive syrup anyway. Look at the bright side, here in Vt we can not have power because the tree huggers will have obstructed views, better than looking through smog from a coal power plant. The power for your high vac has to come from somewhere just not your backyard, but mine would be fine right cause it doesn't affect you.

give me a nuke plant any day over coal fired generation. with all the rivers in VT we could have a lot of hydro but nooooooooooo the green tailed lipstick fish might get lost trying to navigate the river after the hydro is in.

We took this country once from the Crown:o once back in 1776, we can do it again people just need to stick together.:twisted:

05-14-2011, 08:34 PM
What you going to call the people who want to stay with the crown this time.They called us United Empire Loyalists last time.If not for that I might have been born in Penn instead of Alberta.
I get one stupid TV channel right now and come August I loose that one to digatal also.So no TV unless I want to watch french.

05-15-2011, 05:19 AM
We do have power plants, they burn renewable wood chips, they keep many loggers going and are set to be mothballed because the utilities don't have to renew the contracts and can buy imported HQ power for less. So here we have home grown power with no buyers. That reminds me of the fifteen mile falls project when NEP bought all the small dams and scraped them to justify their existence, corporate greed is alive and doing well.


Homestead Maple
05-15-2011, 07:37 PM
It's interesting how the Federal government makes it attractive for industry to build such things as chip burning plants, requires the power companies to buy the power from these plants even though it's more expensive than they can buy elsewhere, and then the chip burning plants can't afford to stay in business because the power companies don't have to renew contracts. Who wins? The tax payers money went into building the plants, had to pay the extra cost for power that had to be bought while the chip plants were in operation because the Fed said the power companies had to buy the power, which they in turn passed on to the customer. Whatever happened to free enterprise?

red maples
10-08-2011, 06:57 PM
sorry to dig in these wounds but the comercials are killing me all these people for green energy I am sure they are paid well to say what they say. Now I am not directly effected by the NP but feel sorry for you folks who are loosing land that you or your family worked so hard to get!!! Nothing wrong with the pellet plants or nuke plants or even installing some hdyro plants right here whay does everything have to come from some other country whay can we do it right here. its all about the mighty dollar and the american dream of owning your property well they'll take that too, but we'll tax you on it. the thing is these comercials are targeting the people that don't know about this project they are hearing is what the companies want them to hear. Someone needs to come up with a commercial with land being taken away, what the land scape will look like after all the trees are gone all the pellet electrical plants closed down and all the people and companies invovled out of business and folks had to move to work for on the northern pass so they could pay taxes ah just a terrible cycle. Its gonna create jobs yeah for a while but once its done those jobs will go away.... global economy my foot!!! I hate that "global economy" . sorry had to vent.