View Full Version : Needin more tubing!

05-10-2011, 02:37 PM
well, guess i will need to purchase some more tubing. not holding back. i will have 200-300' lateral line runs to hit my trees now. only have 1500' of tubing purchased so far. everything is pointing to add as many taps on the laterals as you can for gravity, dont use so many Y's, zig zagging and bending around corners is ok, just keep it running down hill. that is what I am going with. this is gonna get interesting...

05-10-2011, 07:20 PM
You got you taps but how ya gonna boil it all;)

05-10-2011, 07:45 PM
taken care of!

05-10-2011, 10:09 PM
Yeah well I was a little discouraged tonight after a trip to town to get more mainline. I stopped at Whites lumber supply, Ace, 2 plumbing supply stores and Tractor Supply and not a single one of them stock black poly pipe anymore. Now I got to drive 40 minute to Lowes tomarrow. I hate it. I try to get as much local stuff as I can to not only help out the local businesses but to save on fuel cost and I wasted a few hours, gallons of gas only to have to make the run to the city tomarrow. I knew I should of bought more last time.

05-11-2011, 08:32 AM
Luckily we have a Tractor Supply not from where I work. I drive by it every day and see the coils out in their caged in yard.

05-11-2011, 09:21 AM
Yeah the one Local Tractor Supply used to carry it but no longer.

05-11-2011, 12:32 PM
can always order 30P! haha

05-11-2011, 02:23 PM
30P with gas at $4.00 + gallon you could have ordered rapi-tubing.:lol:

05-11-2011, 03:00 PM
ok, what do you guys do when you find several more maples to tap, your mainline is 400' away..

1. Extend mainline the 400' then run a lateral off of that (approx 200')

2. Run 700' of lateral line to pick up all of the trees? (talking a dozen large maples all on gravity

05-11-2011, 05:38 PM
ok, what do you guys do when you find several more maples to tap, your mainline is 400' away..

1. Extend mainline the 400' then run a lateral off of that (approx 200')

2. Run 700' of lateral line to pick up all of the trees? (talking a dozen large maples all on gravity

more mainline adk

05-11-2011, 05:44 PM
3rdgen- join the Vermont sugarmakers association and you can get a good deal from FW Webb, I know you have them in New York

05-11-2011, 06:33 PM
Dont do it! Unless your already in the NYS Maple Producers Association that is ;)

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-11-2011, 06:46 PM
come over to our side 3rdgen, Its better!!!!! commmmmmme to the light cooooomeeee here little boy the light will show you the way:lol:

05-11-2011, 07:25 PM
I dated a gal from Vermont, St. Albans as a matter of fact. The one and only time my parents were invited there my Dad says "you know, I like Vermont, cause when you look across that big pond you see the beautiful Adirondacks of NYS"! haha. I dont think they thought it was very funny.....

05-11-2011, 09:31 PM
Come on over, you know with just the name your sales will go up by 3 fold.

05-11-2011, 10:28 PM
LOL theres only one problem with going to Vermont. Supermodifieds are the home of NY and Im not giving that up for a second. lol Besides your guys syrup sales will drop when those Vermonters get a taste of some real syrup made with pride in NY. As far as that light Flatlander if it leads me to a tank in the back of a jeep I think I will pass on that as well. Anyways Im just waiting for ADK to get his mainline all bought, I keep trying to convince him to get more so when he is at work I can go round it up and take it home and put it to use on my trees.

Thompson's Tree Farm
05-12-2011, 04:21 AM
Come on over, you know with just the name your sales will go up by 3 fold.

Yup, that is why they buy our syrup to fill their orders....from New Yorkers:rolleyes:

Thad Blaisdell
05-12-2011, 05:00 AM
LOL theres only one problem with going to Vermont. Supermodifieds are the home of NY and Im not giving that up for a second. lol Besides your guys syrup sales will drop when those Vermonters get a taste of some real syrup made with pride in NY. As far as that light Flatlander if it leads me to a tank in the back of a jeep I think I will pass on that as well. Anyways Im just waiting for ADK to get his mainline all bought, I keep trying to convince him to get more so when he is at work I can go round it up and take it home and put it to use on my trees.

yep made with pride.....steal your neighbors pipeline....

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-12-2011, 05:17 AM
. Now I got to drive 40 minute to Lowes tomarrow. I hate it. I try to get as much local stuff as I can to not only help out the local businesses but to save on fuel cost and I wasted a few hours, gallons of gas only to have to make the run to the city tomarrow. I knew I should of bought more last time.

ring ring
tractor supply "hello TS how can I help you"
3rdgen"I'm looking for black poly pipe"
TS "sorry sir we are out"
3rdgen "thank you, you saved me a lot of gas":lol:
TS "no problem sir"

ring ring
"Hello ace hardware"
3rdgen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:lol:

05-12-2011, 09:49 AM
yep made with pride.....steal your neighbors pipeline....

Man I stuck my foot in my mouth right there lol. Cant get anything over on this crowd lol. Besides can it be called stealing if I just told him I was taking it? Probably huh.

05-12-2011, 09:53 AM
ring ring
tractor supply "hello TS how can I help you"
3rdgen"I'm looking for black poly pipe"
TS "sorry sir we are out"
3rdgen "thank you, you saved me a lot of gas":lol:
TS "no problem sir"

ring ring
"Hello ace hardware"
3rdgen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:lol:

Smart A$$, I bought all my pipe at TSC so why would I call them to see if they carry it? It was only 2 weeks ago when I picked up the last roll from them. And they are not out of it they no longer carry it, the guy said they shipped it all back to the warehouse, Oh Ace is right next door. Dont you Vermonters have anything to do?????????

05-12-2011, 11:57 AM
wow I missed alot on this site since last night! glad you guys are all busy with your day jobs.

Will be purchasing the pipe soon. but wone tell you when now

05-12-2011, 11:59 AM
Nope we don't have a thing to do. But seriously give FW Webb a call as they give the best price around here.

05-12-2011, 01:01 PM
.14 -.17 a foot for 1"

Randy Brutkoski
05-12-2011, 02:15 PM
I just bought 10,000 feet of 1 inch at Webbs for .14 cents a foot. Cannot be beat. It might be a little higher now with the petrolium use .

Randy Brutkoski
05-12-2011, 02:20 PM
ADK1,,, from putting 150 taps up to 15000 over night is a bit extreme isnt it. I have to ask, have you ever taped a tree before. I mean with 800 and something post you must have done something with sugaring, right...

05-12-2011, 02:30 PM
Randy Brutkoski ADK1,,, from putting 150 taps up to 15000 over night is a bit extreme isnt it. I have to ask, have you ever taped a tree before. I mean with 800 and something post you must have done something with sugaring, right...

No kidding why are you wasting your time on 20 buckets with 15000 taps. Good thing you are going with a 2x6 instead of a 2x4 setup.:lol:

05-12-2011, 05:44 PM
I have to ask, have you ever taped a tree before.

What would you tape a tree? This must be a Michigan thing or something. I usually bore a hole in mine to get sap.:D

05-12-2011, 06:35 PM
ADK1,,, from putting 150 taps up to 15000 over night is a bit extreme isnt it. I have to ask, have you ever taped a tree before. I mean with 800 and something post you must have done something with sugaring, right...

Randy, you wind the prize for noticing! I changed that last night just to see if anyone was paying attention! haha.
Yes, I have some experience, although never made syrup of my very own. Helped out a large operation in vermont for 4 years (part time) but they collected on buckets with horse drawn sleigh. Also my brother in laws operation who uses the old goose neck system, its basically the first form of tubing (metal pipe in 4' sections). I am buying their 2x6 evap. I am totally new to tubing in the modern terms. hence the reason for all of the questions.

Randy Brutkoski
05-12-2011, 08:33 PM
and how do you wind a prize. do you blow on it. lol

05-12-2011, 08:48 PM
PerryW Quote:
Originally Posted by xyz5150
I have to ask, have you ever taped a tree before.

What would you tape a tree? This must be a Michigan thing or something. I usually bore a hole in mine to get sap.

nope its a Vermonters spelling i cut and pasted a quote from Randy Brutkoski just like i just cut and pasted your quote will someone please tell me how to the fancy quote thing so i don't have to cut and paste anymore. I am not much of a computer guy but I'm learning slowly.:lol:

05-12-2011, 09:26 PM
PerryW Quote:
Originally Posted by xyz5150
I have to ask, have you ever taped a tree before.

What would you tape a tree? This must be a Michigan thing or something. I usually bore a hole in mine to get sap.

nope its a Vermonters spelling i cut and pasted a quote from Randy Brutkoski just like i just cut and pasted your quote will someone please tell me how to the fancy quote thing so i don't have to cut and paste anymore. I am not much of a computer guy but I'm learning slowly.:lol:

Down in the right lower corner i a box that says quote. Click on that and the type your message below it

05-12-2011, 10:16 PM
Notice I changed the name of this thread. I had a better choice of words that was not the best choice of words for public use but refrained against it. I will check out FW Webb and see if there are any local. Last time I bought 1inch it went for .21 cents a foot. Time to go and tape up 15000 trees and then blow some wind on them cya later guys.

05-12-2011, 11:11 PM
Well I searched FW Webb's website and I must say it is the most user unfriendly site I have been on in awhile. There search options are useless and trying to find the pipe on there is more daughnting than I choose to further waste any time on. The good news however, (shut up Flatlander lol) the darn place is about 2 miles from my warehouse in syracuse. I cannot even tell you how many times I have driven by the place without even noticing it. Guess I will stop in tomarrow.

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-13-2011, 05:14 AM
Well I searched FW Webb's website and I must say it is the most user unfriendly site I have been on in awhile. There search options are useless and trying to find the pipe on there is more daughnting than I choose to further waste any time on. The good news however, (shut up Flatlander lol) the darn place is about 2 miles from my warehouse in syracuse. I cannot even tell you how many times I have driven by the place without even noticing it. Guess I will stop in tomarrow.

I see two problems that keep coming up,
1. hoof and mouth disease, "open mouth, hoof auto installs" FDA solution don't open mouth:lol:.
2. Surroundings, "always be aware of your surroundings, know who is following you, buildings, shapes, sizes etc., and never sit with your back to the door while you are out of your comfort zone.;)

05-13-2011, 07:06 AM
All that coming from a guy who cant figure out how to strap a tank on the roof of a jeep so he spends a week heating and crushing it to fit it in the back instead. :rolleyes:

05-13-2011, 07:33 AM
Well I searched FW Webb's website and I must say it is the most user unfriendly site I have been on in awhile. There search options are useless and trying to find the pipe on there is more daughnting than I choose to further waste any time on. The good news however, (shut up Flatlander lol) the darn place is about 2 miles from my warehouse in syracuse. I cannot even tell you how many times I have driven by the place without even noticing it. Guess I will stop in tomarrow.

I wouldn't know anything about their site as I still own a telephone. LOL

Randy Brutkoski
05-13-2011, 11:02 AM
We need Mike C. to chime in here. This is getting good. Do you tree huggin stump jumpers in Lincoln do anything besides stare at trees all day.

05-13-2011, 05:44 PM
Yeah, where is Mike C. That is all we do up here in Lincoln, you hit it right on the nose and poke a little fun when we can. Besides it is only a New Yorker that I am rattling the chain.

05-13-2011, 07:02 PM
I drive through lincoln every two weeks and i've made a few observations 50% of em aren't from vt, there is budist temple too. must be an eleavtion thing closer to budda? hey how come everyone flashes the the peace sign when they wave whatever happened to good old wave? besides that i've some realy good folks up there(while they were staring at trees) would love to move up there but no money. nice sugarbush for sale up onthe downingville rd.$

05-13-2011, 07:30 PM
And you would be right next door to the Temple, I went there to do some excavator work a few years back and I had to be blessed before I could be let in to work, and then they went on to bless the truck, excavator and skid steer. Every since then I have felt the need to shave my head. Just kidding folks.

I drive through lincoln every two weeks and i've made a few observations 50% of em aren't from vt, there is budist temple too. must be an eleavtion thing closer to budda? hey how come everyone flashes the the peace sign when they wave whatever happened to good old wave? besides that i've some realy good folks up there(while they were staring at trees) would love to move up there but no money. nice sugarbush for sale up onthe downingville rd.$

05-13-2011, 08:53 PM
hey have em bless your arch and maple trees too cant hurt. were in lincoln are you 802?

05-13-2011, 09:07 PM
The other end of town, South Lincoln

05-13-2011, 10:11 PM
Yeah, where is Mike C. That is all we do up here in Lincoln, you hit it right on the nose and poke a little fun when we can. Besides it is only a New Yorker that I am rattling the chain.

Well you rattled me pretty good when I was in line at FW Webb. All I kept thinking was man what a great guy that 802 is for telling me about the great pricing on tubing. Then I remember thinking man I should send him some free passes to Oswego or something like that. Then I got to the counter and found out the real deal. 33 cents a foot for 1 inch 100psi and 47 cents a foot for 1 inch 160 psi. Okay so back in the truck alot more disapointed and headed to Home depot where I got it the first time for 22 cents a roll and to my suprise the price was down to 19 cents. Hmmmm after something like 8 tanks of gas at 120 bucks a tank ahhh never mind I got tubing its all good.

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-14-2011, 06:28 AM
Ring Ring:D ok off the the private 18 hole golf course today, maybe walk the woods just a long haul for sap

Thad Blaisdell
05-14-2011, 06:45 AM
There was a wicked good deal at webbs earlier this year. Really Really cheap. But that ship has sailed.

05-14-2011, 07:21 AM
That is alot more then we payed, .17 per foot for 1 inch and .59 per foot for 2 inch. Like Thad said that ship must have sailed.

Randy Brutkoski
05-14-2011, 11:34 AM
It must have. A week and a half ago i paid .14 cents a foot for 1 inch at Webbs in Rutland. And .10 cents a foot for 3/4 inch. So I ended up buying over 10000 feet.

05-14-2011, 12:35 PM
It must have. A week and a half ago i paid .14 cents a foot for 1 inch at Webbs in Rutland. And .10 cents a foot for 3/4 inch. So I ended up buying over 10000 feet.

Got any 3/4" to sell? :D

lookin 2 learn
06-25-2011, 08:50 AM
Webb Rutland has a special account set up for Maple Sugar Makers. If you go to any Webb they should let a maple sugar producer buy at those prices.
They told me if you had any problem to talk to Hoss at Webb Rutland, if he is not is ask for his little brother Nick. But they also say that resin prices and thus tubing prices go up and down with the price of oil. Their current price on 3/4 is 15.40 per 100'.