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05-09-2011, 06:15 PM
what guage wire do you fellas use with your mainlines?

Thompson's Tree Farm
05-09-2011, 07:01 PM
12 gauge hi-tensile

maple flats
05-09-2011, 07:11 PM
I used to use 12.5 ga HT but this year I tried using no wire and I liked it. I did it with Leader 30P but look up the video for Rapi-tube by CDL. Get the english version. That is how I did it. Much faster and easier to get a line with no little sags along the length. If you do use it try the crimp clamps sold at Lowes and use the crimp pliers to tighten. They hold (I use 2 clamps/end) where conventional worm drive SS clamps will not hold good enough and the tension will pull fittings apart.

05-10-2011, 09:28 AM
I bought 12.5GA HT, will be running it soon

05-12-2011, 08:56 PM
thanks guys i found 12.5 ht 4000 ft rolls for 85.00

05-12-2011, 10:19 PM
Care to share where you found it at that price. 4000 feet for 89 bucks is a a heck of a deal. TCS is now asking 89 for 1000 feet. This maple crap is getting way way to expensive.

05-13-2011, 05:33 AM
TCS is now asking 89 for 1000 feet. This maple crap is getting way way to expensive.

TSC has two rolls of 12.5 HT wire. The one you're referring to, for some reason, is actually $79 I believe and it's inside the store on the shelve. Check out their catalog and give the cashier the part #... you'll find the 4000' roll for $89... at least it was here in Albany a couple of weeks ago. It's outside in their fencing area.

The Auburn TSC store also had it for the same price. That was over our April break which was around the 20th.

Let me know how you make out with the mainline tubing at FW Webb. Maybe I'll stop by their store in Albany after striper fishing as the boat launch is in the backyard of their store.

05-13-2011, 06:51 AM
TSC has two rolls of 12.5 HT wire. The one you're referring to, for some reason, is actually $79 I believe and it's inside the store on the shelve. Check out their catalog and give the cashier the part #... you'll find the 4000' roll for $89... at least it was here in Albany a couple of weeks ago. It's outside in their fencing area.

The Auburn TSC store also had it for the same price. That was over our April break which was around the 20th.

Let me know how you make out with the mainline tubing at FW Webb. Maybe I'll stop by their store in Albany after striper fishing as the boat launch is in the backyard of their store.

Yeah I caught on to that after going to their website last night. What a scam that is. My local store has 1000 foot rolls for 89 and 4000 foots rolls for 99. I hate being scammed.

05-13-2011, 10:11 AM
Yup, I bought the 4000' roll for $99.99 at my local TSC a few months ago. It was outside in the yard. Make sure you done get a roll that has been crunched. the first roll they handed me must have been dropped and had a squared off edge.

Jim Brown
05-13-2011, 10:36 AM
Gentlemen; We(and a number of folks around here) buy our wire from KENCOVE they are the ones that supply most of the equipt. dealers. they have a web site and are MUCH cheaper than the dealers and the box stores.Even when you figure in shipping.I bought 3000 feet for $59.00 shipped to my house

Our two cents

05-13-2011, 10:39 AM
thanks, but at times I like to supply the local guys. I would hate to lost my Local TSC here.

05-13-2011, 01:26 PM
adk1 thanks, but at times I like to supply the local guys. I would hate to lost my Local TSC here.

TSC is not a local guy all of the profits are sent to their headquarters. Yes local people work there but the bulk of the money made goes to the big cheeses in the main office and is never spent in your community.I own a small business and i shop almost exclusively at other small businesses that are my customers. I completely remodeled my kitchen and bathroom and did not by one thing from a box store i tell people that and they didn't even think that you could do that with out going to the home cheapo. Yes i probably spent a few dollars more maybe, maybe not but i have loyal customers because of my decisions and my community does not have to work for a selfish corporate giant to put food on their table. So buying wire on the Internet isn't any different than buying it from a box store sorry to have to give the truth.

05-13-2011, 01:47 PM
Jim Brown Gentlemen; We(and a number of folks around here) buy our wire from KENCOVE they are the ones that supply most of the equipt. dealers. they have a web site and are MUCH cheaper than the dealers and the box stores.Even when you figure in shipping.I bought 3000 feet for $59.00 shipped to my house

Our two cents

I see they have a lot of different 12.5 HT which one do you use ? Oh and i dont have a local wire supplier.

05-13-2011, 03:46 PM
Unfortunatly where I live no small town boys carry the wire. The next best thing is TSC for me, at least if there is a continuous demand at the TSC, the store will stay, wont close up, the tax dollars remain in the County as do the local jobs and we arent left with a large building sitting there vacant.

05-13-2011, 04:32 PM
adk1 Unfortunatly where I live no small town boys carry the wire. The next best thing is TSC for me, at least if there is a continuous demand at the TSC, the store will stay, wont close up, the tax dollars remain in the County as do the local jobs and we arent left with a large building sitting there vacant.

You are probably paying their taxes for them, most big box stores bait local governments into low or no tax rates for job creation in the community. At least they do here in Michigan. Right next door to my business a chain lumber store that went in, our local government gave them a huge tax break to come to town they did not hire one local contractor to build the store and now because of the economy and no local contractors buy from them they only have about 3 or 4 employees. i am sure that myself and other folks around here are paying the lumber stores share of taxes.:(

05-15-2011, 12:10 PM
they do that locally around here, but only within our industrial parks, no commercial establishments.