View Full Version : Is this salvageable?

05-08-2011, 07:08 AM
Found this out in my back 40, can it be fixed, lot of other parts still out in the bush, but figured i would not drag it all out unless i knew it was worth it?

05-08-2011, 08:14 AM
You can make a new door with plate steel or you could get the old door welded which is expensive for cast rods. One other way is to use steal plate and attach the parts of the door to it as a patch and go with that. Will make the door heavy but will out last welding. This must be a intresting back 40. All I find is old car bodies and tin cans.

05-08-2011, 08:42 AM
The front is a great find. I would just make new doors. We are rebuilding a 2x6 just like it. We only are reusing the front. We built new doors that are relitivly airtight so we can add a blower. everything else is pretty easy to figure out if you just look at someone else's arch.

maple flats
05-08-2011, 08:56 AM
You could even get new doors if desired thru Leader. That is very salvageable, good find. What is the width at the top of the front frame?

05-08-2011, 09:10 AM
I had an arch years ago that the casting pretty much busted apart like that. I contacted a foundary for advice on how to repair and this is what I remember. Take plate steel that is covering the crack 1 inch above and below the crack. Use cast rods and weld the plate on the back side. This takes alot of time, you must weld a little at a time and allow the cast to cool and not get overly hot. When you have completed that step gind the crack on the front side down to a v groove and again weld it closed with good cast rods and only weld short sections at a time to not over heat it. Same on the doors but make sure you allow a gap between the stell plate patch where the door castings meet the arch front casting to close properly. It will if done right last you many many years. And dont skimp on the rods and get cheap ones.

05-08-2011, 02:53 PM
You can get a new door made in Renfrew at Imbleau Founder at a very reasonable cost. Just bring the old broken ones and the will make identical new ones

05-08-2011, 06:22 PM
I guess duct tape is out of the question

Bucket Head
05-08-2011, 09:45 PM
No, duct tape will work fine. Its also good for repairing grates.

Seriously, getting some blanket insulation on the back of the archfront and/or the doors will go along way in keeping them from cracking or recracking a repair job.
