View Full Version : 802 Maple

05-04-2011, 07:46 PM
Ahhhh heres a couple photos for you. Nothing like 464 big blocks, methanol, and burning rubber on a saturday night.





05-04-2011, 07:53 PM
And yet a few more.





Flat Lander Sugaring
05-04-2011, 08:14 PM
MMMMM Motors and alcohol!

05-04-2011, 08:18 PM
Motors and alcohol!
Currently illegal. The days of sticking your head out the window and following the yellow line home are long gone. Oh wait, you meant a different type of alcohol?

05-04-2011, 08:20 PM
Currently illegal. The days of sticking your head out the window and following the yellow line home are long gone. Oh wait, you meant a different type of alcohol?

I was refering to METHANOL. Cant speak for Chumlee cause Im thinking what your thinking. lol

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-04-2011, 08:32 PM
Alcohol/methanol put it all in a gas tank and it burns making oxygen to offset the carbon dioxide the other fuels put out. Now ALCOHOL yes only for use behind the wheel when you have a DD

Homestead Maple
05-04-2011, 08:49 PM
I'm going to miss seeing Chris Perley at the tracks on a regular basis.

05-04-2011, 09:21 PM
I'm going to miss seeing Chris Perley at the tracks on a regular basis.

He is still on the ISMA roster driving for Vic Miller. Did something change recently, He is a a great wheelman for sure.

Homestead Maple
05-05-2011, 09:07 AM
I was told at the end of last season that he was going to cut his schedual back by quite a lot. His home life was suffering. But, anything can change.

05-06-2011, 05:33 PM
I was looking to see if there is room for me and Chuck to be tapped on the side. LOL

I am down to Darlington getting my Nascar fix this weekend. Be back soon.

05-06-2011, 09:46 PM
No no no 802 those arent my cars IM saving a couple big spots for you and chuck when or should I say if I get one. I am stocing up on the tape just in case.