View Full Version : Scare tactics selling syrup?

05-03-2011, 08:18 AM

I just happen to see this on ebay yesterday. I would love to find this persons sources. To try and sell there syrup for $28 delivered a pint they say that unless you are buying from their organic farm that there is WIDESPREAD use of formaldehyde in the making of maple syrup. C'mon really? I sent them an email to see if they could please show me where they get there information from. When is the last time you have been able to buy formaldehyde at a maple supply store?

05-03-2011, 09:29 AM
...unless you are buying from their organic farm that there is WIDESPREAD use of formaldehyde in the making of maple syrup.

This type of advertising is illegal. I've written them to inform them of this.

05-03-2011, 09:40 AM
That has been my gripe about Organic farming. I have no problem with the concept but I have a problem with people under cutting fellow farmers in order to sell their product. Its the same thing in dairy and veggies. But with maple it seems that the only point to push is the formaldehyde since most people can't tell a difference between organic or non organic syrup including me.

05-03-2011, 10:10 AM
Thank you Dr. Tim. I know that I am pretty new to all this but like many other people I like to take pride in everything that I do but I also figured that false advertising isn't a good idea. Unfortuatly it is hard enough to regulate things regionally yet alone half way across the country over the internet.

05-03-2011, 01:47 PM
The eBay merchant responded very promptly. They have removed the reference to formaldehyde from their listing. They said their supplier provided the information for the listing.

05-03-2011, 03:46 PM
A good catch and the statement was removed. Great job gents.

05-03-2011, 04:19 PM
Then when i looked a little closer I see that the syrup is from Maple Valley maple syrup here in good ol Wisconsin, real nice maple valley you guys are a huge disapointment:(

05-03-2011, 04:37 PM
You sure? It looks like to me its from a place in Reno buying it up from several producers that are organic and reselling it under the name Maple Valley.

05-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Yea, lots of maple trees in Reno!!!

05-03-2011, 07:47 PM
Wow, $27.00 for a pint of Grade B. And I was worried about charging $12.50 for a pint of my Grade A. It's amazing what some people will pay for the WORD "organic". From their description of "Quality and Price" for "organic maple syrup", I think that describes the process used by most respectable sugar makers.

"We do this by selecting those maple producers who pay great attention to the fine science of making maple syrup. When nature says it’s time to let the sap flow, a producer may spend weeks nonstop collecting, dumping, filtering and boiling the sap, measuring brix (sugar) content, rotating pans, checking and double checking temperature, draining off different grades, cleaning equipment, packaging syrup into containers, and many other tasks!"

I'm willing to bet most of us operate the same way as the "organic" producers.

Perhaps we should try to get them to remove the following phrase: "Conventional methods can use as many taps as desired." Every document I've read from each state's Maple Producers Association, or "Best Practices", indicated a maximum tap count of four per tree - and most states recommend a max of three.

05-03-2011, 08:49 PM
You sure? It looks like to me its from a place in Reno buying it up from several producers that are organic and reselling it under the name Maple Valley.

Positive it's the place from southern Wisconsin. I justed checked their website and its the same bottles and labels. Price off there website is 15.50 for a pint of B..........But of course it's worth alot more because it's organic and the rest of ours isn't.;)

05-03-2011, 09:44 PM
If anyone has heard of Young Living (which does have great products, which we purchase, by the way), the owner quoted in one of his reference books that you should look for grade B, as lighter syrup has formaldahyde in it. This is in print, and will be around for a long time! I believe I wrote them a couple years ago to set them straight. Not sure if it did any good. Can't stand such misinformation!

05-03-2011, 11:34 PM
I always thought Wisconsin syrup tasted like cheese anyway; especially the organic stuff.:D

05-04-2011, 08:09 AM
I always thought Wisconsin syrup tasted like cheese anyway; especially the organic stuff.:D

...with just a hint of a Schlitz aftertaste...

05-04-2011, 05:54 PM
The eBay merchant responded very promptly. They have removed the reference to formaldehyde from their listing. They said their supplier provided the information for the listing.

Good deal and what I expected as they (Tropical Traditions) are an excellent company and the only company I purchase coconut oil from. Was a bit shocked when I clicked on the link and saw their logo , but very glad it was corrected promptly .

Thanks for your effort and contacting them to have it corrected

05-05-2011, 09:46 AM
http://organicgradebmaplesyrup.net/ buying organic maple syrup not only guarantees that the trees tapped weren't treated with synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, but also insures that formaldehyde wasn't used in the tapping proces

http://www.gradebmaplesyrup.org/whygradebmaple.html Paraformaldehyde pellets may be inserted into the tap holes to prevent sap from clotting and clogging holes. Some residue of this poison may therefore be present in non-organic maple syrup

http://www.maplevalleysyrup.com/AllsyrupOrganic.html No formaldehyde has been used in treetapping. Recent articles in the maple press indicate widespread use of this chemical in tree tapping even though it is illegal. Organic standards do not allow the use of formaldehyde

http://www.organicfooddirectory.com.au/organic-food/sweeteners/organic-syrups.html Organic maple syrup collection cannot use formaldehyde in the tapping of trees whereas conventional tree tapping uses formaldehyde.

05-05-2011, 09:27 PM
Guess we have a LOT of educating to do!!

05-05-2011, 10:09 PM
heres the text from the law in Qc for Biologic maple products knowunder the name Cartv:

7.2.4 Désinfection de l'entaille et de l’équipement d'entaillage

L'emploi de tout type de germicide dans les entailles et sur l’équipement d'entaillage, y compris les pastilles de paraformaldéhyde ou l'alcool dénaturé (mélange d'alcool éthylique et d'acétate d'éthyle), est interdit. Si l'usage d'un produit désinfectant s'avère absolument nécessaire lors de l'entaillage, seul l'alcool éthylique de qualité alimentaire, appliqué par aspersion sur le chalumeau et dans l'entaille peut être autorisé.

This text explain what Bio are not allowed to use, but does not said that regular producers are not allowed also by law to used those product.

i read on Ag bulletin that Federal Gov. will apply Qc law next year in all canada, and it is the most restrictive in north america.

I dont know if law in US is different from state to state, and maybe used the same way to text do and donts? if so, bio producers could "Play" whit the text?

05-05-2011, 10:16 PM
Where pray tell do we get ethanol from to disenfect with. Next we are going to have to build a still to make syrup.
In the old days they used to treat milk with formaldehyde so they didn't have to scald it but it gave people ulcers so they had to stop. I used to use it for my baby sheep so they milk didn't go bad.Took maybe 3 drops per half gallon to do it.

05-06-2011, 07:43 AM
7.2.4 Désinfection de l'entaille et de l’équipement d'entaillage

L'emploi de tout type de germicide dans les entailles et sur l’équipement d'entaillage, y compris les pastilles de paraformaldéhyde ou l'alcool dénaturé (mélange d'alcool éthylique et d'acétate d'éthyle), est interdit. Si l'usage d'un produit désinfectant s'avère absolument nécessaire lors de l'entaillage, seul l'alcool éthylique de qualité alimentaire, appliqué par aspersion sur le chalumeau et dans l'entaille peut être autorisé.

Translation is:

The use of any type of germicide (disinfectant) into the taphole and tapping equipment, including paraformaldehyde pellets or denatured alcohol (a mixture of ethyl alcohol and ethyl acetate) is prohibited. If use of a disinfectant is absolutely necessary when tapping, only food grade ethyl alcohol (ethanol), applied by spraying on the spout and the taphole may be authorized.

05-06-2011, 11:49 AM
What i want to say, i will prefer a text that said "as any other producer of maple products, used of paraformaldehyde is prohibited.