View Full Version : wood fired arch
02-03-2006, 05:23 PM
What is the best wood fired arch ( intens o fire) (huricane)
02-03-2006, 05:41 PM
I have an inferno arch and it works great. Lot cheaper than intensofire. :?
02-03-2006, 07:13 PM
I also have a leader inferno arch and I'm happy with it
02-09-2006, 01:52 PM
anybody got a huricane arch ( good or bad) what is your gph, what size,any problems?
02-24-2006, 11:15 AM
what is the diffrence between intens o fire and hurricane?
02-25-2006, 03:35 AM
I have had to replace and patch the 3'' tubing on the air blown wood arches , the tube will rust inside in the off season and when the blanket or refactory breaks down so the heat can hit the tube enough times , it will burn through, also the 3/4'' pipe nipples that the air blows out of in the firebox,like over the front doors, thoses burn off and need to be replaced over time. They do require maintance or you'll have problems.
maple flats
02-25-2006, 07:03 AM
For the rusting over the off season I would think it could be addressed by doing the same as the old Taylor outdoor furnaces said if you shut down for the summer. Clean to tubes in question and then apply used moter oil to the steel, or diesel or some other type oil, this will protect the steel so it does not get eaten up during the high humidity of summer as it get condensation on it and the ash/soot residue with the dampness is corrosive and just eats up the metal.
02-25-2006, 07:08 AM
I boiled on a 31/2 by 10 intensofire at a place I worked at a couple years ago, I ordered it and put it together. I did not like it at all. Here's why. Came from w/s missing parts and with no instructions on how to brick it/ put it together, real pain. Blower was way too big and so loud that if you wanted to say anything to anyone it was sign language or turn it off. They have since moved the blower outside and now annoy the heck out of their neighbors. Around the saphouse was like an old coal fired plant, ashes flying out of the stack, did get a spark arrestor with it, but park by the saphouse and your white truck was gray/black by the end of the day. If there was light rain with the ashes, not good for your trucks paint job. when I first boiled on it, 170 gal/hr, wow. Dropped to 90 gal/hr pretty quick because of creasote on the flues, and NO OPENINGS in the back so if wanted to brush the flues good you either get a really long pipe for brush, this of course gets into the ceramic insulation and rips it up, or you CLIMB INSIDE to reach the back of the flues. As far as I'm concerned the claim of it useing less wood is bogus. That thing was like a wood eating dragon on steriods. I will never buy one again. Granted I only boiled on it one season and could have "figured" out how the get it to work right, reostate on the blower,etc. BUT YOU SHOUND"NT have too!!! I think the intensofire is overrated and poorly designed. and the "help" from w/s was lacking to put it nicely.
I own a dominion-grimm airtight evaporator with 3 blowers that are very quiet, most people who visit don't know they're there, that I love. avg. evaporation rate is 80 gal/ hour, not bad for a 2.5 by 10, and higher if I let her buck. Base stack temp can get up too 1600, that's when I slow her down abit. Hope my experience helps and does'nt piss off the lovers of the intensofire.
02-25-2006, 07:22 AM
Hey Mountainvan, That is good information to know. It will help some of us learn a few things the easy way for a change.
Thanks again.
03-17-2006, 09:43 AM
I called and asked how many gph for a hurricane from lapierre 4x10. they told me 200 gph with pans only no preheater or hood are the crazy or is this possable. I dont want to find out after I get one that it only does half that.
03-17-2006, 12:36 PM
Mapleking has a 3x8 with airtight forced air and he gets around 120 gph with his but he really knows what he is doing. He has a hood and preheater too, but 200 seems a little too much. Brookledge gets 140 gph out of his 3x12 with preheater and hood. I would think you could run maybe 160 stock, but 200, most evaporator companies overstate things. :?
03-17-2006, 07:05 PM
I get 140 gph on my 3X12 with inferno arch and hood with pre-heater. My neighbor has a 3.5X10 oil fired with hood and pre-heater and gets about the same as me(140gph) so With out a hood and pre-heater I doubt 200 gph but will vary a little depending on the length of the flue pan. You could go with a longer flue pan like a 7' instead of a 6'.
03-17-2006, 08:02 PM
Do you have a 9' flue pan??
03-17-2006, 08:51 PM
No I have a 8' flue pan
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