View Full Version : Ontario Bulk Prices?

05-01-2011, 04:07 PM
Anyone have a list of Ontario prices? I heard they have dropped compared to last year.
Those US prices look low to me.

05-01-2011, 07:26 PM
All I know is that Jakeman's are paying $2.40 a pound for dark. That was their price a couple weeks ago.

05-01-2011, 07:38 PM
In u.s. we have been seeing 2.65 -2.70am &fcy 2.40 dk 2.20 b com. still floating around, so you guys are close to our prices so far. How was your production up north?

05-02-2011, 11:08 AM
In u.s. we have been seeing 2.65 -2.70am &fcy 2.40 dk 2.20 b com. still floating around, so you guys are close to our prices so far. How was your production up north?

We improved our average here with higher vac and 1/3 CVs. Low sugar beginning of year=longer boiling so that hurt the already high oil prices (we fire with oil).
Overall either average or slightly above average in our immediate area (Sundridge/North Bay, Ontario).
We had a late dump of snow right before Easter so that dragged on the sap through Easter weekend for some.
I heard southern Ontario had a good year.