View Full Version : Not his day...

02-03-2006, 05:23 AM
We have a saying around our sugarhouse, when one of us comes up with a good idea or figures out something we've been working on the other usually says something like "you're a genius"...the reply being "it comes and goes" because we manage to do some really dumb stuff, too.

Anyway, last night was not my partner's night to be the genius. I got a message on my phone with a picture of our rig, and the flame from the gas burner was not shooting inside like normal, but going straight up the front. I called him to see what was going on, and he said he had decided to boil a bit that evening, but could not get the flame right.

After determining he had gas pressure, I said it seemed like he didn't have any draft. Then I asked if he had removed the bucket we put over the top of the new flue pipe we installed on Wednesday. It was there because we didn't get any kind of top put on it, and it was supposed to rain (it was raining while we were talking). There were a few seconds of silence before he said "uh, no, that could be the problem". :oops:

Then I was nice enough to remind him that we had said on Wednesday that we were OK as long as we remembered to remove that bucket next time we boiled... guess we'll have to get a top made for it tomorrow to make it foolproof. :)

02-03-2006, 12:17 PM
Nothing like a good laugh! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: