View Full Version : Hydrometer
70 Buick
04-25-2011, 06:23 PM
Ok , for the last 2 years we use a thermometer to draw off our syrup
I am going to pickup a Hydrometer this week, are they easy to use?
the cup is expensive 42.00, are there any cheaper solutions?, I think we have a glass or plastic tube from a wine hydrometer we bought, could that be used?
Is there a thread here explaining how to use one?
04-25-2011, 06:32 PM
If your results are anything like mine you will find your syrup gets so much better with the accuracy of a hydrometer over a thermometer. Once you get it try a few spot checks of your best samples to see what I mean.
They are extremely easy to use and there are tons of threads on Maple Trader about them. Just search hydrometer and read until the late hours of the night if you wish.
I started out using a stainless coffee thermos the first year but later sucked it up and bought a proper cup which I certainly don't regret. Do shop around for the cup though as designs in the base and handle vary greatly. I ordered both the 10" and 12" from Atkinsons which was the design I liked best and will likely order the Accu-cup from Maple Guys this summer.
70 Buick
04-25-2011, 06:35 PM
I have been looking around, at D&G it is just around the corner from my house
I see densometers hydrometers etc, just want to get the right item
Just a stupid question here, this helps you draw off hot at the right density? right?, you don't wait till it is cooled?
04-25-2011, 06:40 PM
You can check density at any temperature but they are marked for both 211 degrees (hot off the rig) and 60 degrees (chilly room temperature) with a red line. For any other temperatures you just + / - based on a chart.
Haynes Forest Products
04-25-2011, 06:46 PM
Its easier than using a computer. Buy the cup and it will be the last one you buy. It heats up fast and doesn't take up much room in the draw off bucket. Why does that matter well you will end up checking for density many many times during the day and you will be sticking it under the draw off valve that is over the bucket of syrup...........Just go with me on that one. Others will tell you that they take the bucket and put It off to the side and use a 6" piece of PVC with a cap and broom handle so they dont get burned. Just get a good one that has a good handle that can also hook on the side of the draw off bucket and has a good solid base so you dont tip it. It will end up coated in syrup and sugar so you want to be able to stick it in the evap steam or sap area of the rig to clean and capture the sweet.
70 Buick
04-25-2011, 07:13 PM
Its easier than using a computer.
God I hope so lol
that took me 5 years
04-25-2011, 07:16 PM
Ok , for the last 2 years we use a thermometer to draw off our syrup
I am going to pickup a Hydrometer this week, are they easy to use?
the cup is expensive 42.00, are there any cheaper solutions?, I think we have a glass or plastic tube from a wine hydrometer we bought, could that be used?
Is there a thread here explaining how to use one?
Good - Buy a Syrup Hydrometer - Wished I'd bought one years ago - I no longer make aaaaa thin syrup - Some folks can look at it and know that it is syrup -- I am not one of them - Now I have to watch it or I make it a little too thick and on its way to sugar - If I pay attention - that is not a problem. A good set of simple instructions came with mine and they are simple to use - just handle glass hydrometer with care. Ok - I'm a Backyarder and cheap is part of being one. I bought a Stainless Brief Case Thermos on sale from Wally World for around $7.00 American - has a wide enough base - I mounted a metal handle on it with oversize hose clamps and it works like a champ. Another thing is that it is insulated and less chance of burning your hands if you do something dumb like forgettting to put on leather gloves when pulling a sample. The over-priced piece of brass pipe with a handle on it -- is not. -- To not use a Syrup Hydrometer was just plain Dumb on my part - Use it once and You will be amazed at the quality of Your Maple Syrup ..... Whooooooah! NO - Dang that syrup is HOT - A plastic tube comes with the syrup hydrometer too - BUT -- it is not a Test Cup... Even I - Cheap as I am - would buy one of those Brass Beasties before I'd use a plastic tube --- LOL -- Mike
04-25-2011, 07:23 PM
I use a old SS thermos that I found in a thrift shop.It is a wider mouth one.I fill it with hot syrup and then pour it out and fill quick again and test.Makes better syrup then the first batch I made using temp and aproning. That batch soaked into pancakes pretty fast.
70 Buick
04-25-2011, 07:50 PM
I am sure I read syrup is 66 brix here some where, and 53 when hot or something like that
04-25-2011, 10:12 PM
remember, 66 cold, and 59 hot. when you testing whit it, you have to rinse it whit clean water each time. if some syrup stay and dry on it, it add weight and give bad result.
Also they are fragile and round, so they roll and like to go on floor:cry: What i make is i take a plastic container( old mayonaise pot)and fill it whit water, and i put my hydrometer in between test..
04-26-2011, 05:05 AM
remember, 66 cold, and 59 hot. when you testing whit it, you have to rinse it whit clean water each time. if some syrup stay and dry on it, it add weight and give bad result.
Also they are fragile and round, so they roll and like to go on floor:cry: What i make is i take a plastic container( old mayonaise pot)and fill it whit water, and i put my hydrometer in between test..
Good idea - I put mine in a little one gallon plastic pail when I'm finishing syrup so I don't break it - but - I never thought to keep water in the same pail to rinse it off. I has a seperate bucket for that -- lol - one less bucket now - thanks. When the syrup is getting close and testing more often - it sure does build up on the hydrometer in a hurry and add weight.... again... thanks for the idea
70 Buick
04-26-2011, 10:45 AM
went to D&G this morning to poke around
they are telling me a hydrtherm is better, no adjusting for temp
just make the syrup equal to the red line hot or cold & will will give you 65.8 brix all the time
04-26-2011, 12:43 PM
Hydrotherm is the best, but cost up to 3 times more. each test, you have to wait for temperature to ajust whit density level. For small like us, hydrometer is enough, and a chart is avalaible for other temp/density correction. i make my test, and whit 59 hot i check a 1 litre mason jar cold syrup and it was at 66.5.
From 10 gallons last year, i ask to friends that received syrup, and nobody found trouble (too thin, sugar rocks). I explain them that i need to know to adjust if required.
04-26-2011, 07:17 PM
The one I bought came with directions but it is a good thing I read french as that's all I got it in.It is so simple a anglaphone can use it.Has two lines one for hot one for cold.I looked at a hydratherme or what ever the spelling is and just put it back on the shelf.Hard enough trying to use the hydrometer with out trying to figure out that gizmo.
04-26-2011, 07:44 PM
I own both but rarely ever use the hydrotherm anymore. I just found waiting for the thermometer part to adjust to the temperature way too slow for my attention span and also got tired of it sinking completely into the syrup cup because the hot test is right up near the top. A little under density and you go bob-n for hydrotherm in boiling hot syrup. :mad:
Haynes Forest Products
04-26-2011, 08:02 PM
Even with the auto drawoff I relied mainly on what the Hydrometer said. After 260 gallons tested hot when I got the syrup to the wholesaler the cold test confirmed I was spot on............................:) I have a feeling that some Traders drive down the road with a air speed indicter duct taped to their hood and a hand held speedometer off their weather station out the window as a backup................:rolleyes: Then they get pulled over for not having their hands on the wheel or using their turn signals:lol:
09-01-2011, 09:57 PM
I too was one that tried the Hydrotherm. It worked well but you will find the first couple of years that one of any kind of hydro is not enough. The first year we broke 3. I think the second year was also 3. This last year, 6 seasons later, one was enough but we had 2 spares anyway.
All it takes is a visitor in the sugar shack to lift it up 4 inches in the cup and drop it. Ping, The glass around the lead on the bottom pops off.
Now if you want to buy the best ... ie your last cup ... first ... check out the Accu-Cup on the web site of the guys that started this formum. (
You can get the right density at any temperature with it because it has a built in thermometer and comes with a laminated temperature / density chart.
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