View Full Version : What Percentage of Sales by Container Size?
04-23-2011, 10:27 PM
This was the first year I sold any syrup and it was on a very, very small scale. I'm trying to put together a 3 to 5 year business plan, and anticipate which syrup container sizes will sell the most. Has anyone done analysis of their sales - by volume, units, and/or total $ based on container size?
At first, I will only be selling from my Sugarhouse. The projections below are based on a very small, 100 tap operation. I expect that the Gallon and 1/2 gallon sales will be larger as the operation increases in size. But at first, I don't want to offer gallons and half gallons. Here's my projection. How far off is it?
% sales by product volume
Gallons (Plastic Jug) 0%
Half Gallons (Plastic Jug) 0%
Quarts / Liters (Gallone Jug) 40%
Pints / 500 ML (Gallone Jug) 14%
Half Pints 8%
100 ml (Maple Leaf) 8%
50 ml 4%
% sales by unit
Gallons (Plastic Jug) 0%
Half Gallons (Plastic Jug) 0%
Quarts / Liters (Gallone Jug) 16%
Pints / 500 ML (Gallone Jug) 11%
Half Pints 13%
100 ml (Maple Leaf) 30%
50 ml 30%
% sales by $$$$
Gallons (Plastic Jug) 0%
Half Gallons (Plastic Jug) 0%
Quarts / Liters (Gallone Jug) 36%
Pints / 500 ML (Gallone Jug) 15%
Half Pints 10%
100 ml (Maple Leaf) 17%
50 ml 8%
04-24-2011, 05:28 AM
Can't give you solid numbers or percentages, however I can tell you that last year I started with 80 taps. Filled 1/2 pint and quart bottles. Sold everything - about 4 gallons worth (very slow/unproductive year). Majority of people asked for the quarts. I think the only reason I sold quite a few 1/2 pints is that I was running out of syrup.
This year I have 32 gallons (on 130 taps) and have sold a ton of quarts with a few pints. Probably around 70%-30%. I am now out of quart containers and have about 1/2 of my supply of pints left.
A couple of people have requested gallons (which I don't offer) and a few have requested 1/2 gallon jugs (which I also didn't offer this year). I'm going to purchase a case of 1/2 gallon jugs for next season along with quarts. I'm leaving my pints for the year and we'll see how it goes. Usually a case gets me through.
I'm also going to bottle in mason jars so when family/friends ask for it I can give them the syrup in cheaper containers.
Nobody has requested the 1/2 pints this year nor do I carry any of the smaller sizes. I do have 250 ml glass maple leafs and the 8oz flask jars. A few people have purchased them as gifts but definitely not a significant number.
I will continue to carry the 1/2 pint - half gallon sized containers and don't see myself expanding much beyond 150 taps (just don't have the trees). If I had to guess on % of sales based on bottle size overall I'd have to say 60% quart, 30% pint, 10% 1/2 pint.
04-24-2011, 08:10 AM
I offer 12 oz and 8 oz containers ... and 1/2 gallon with advance order.
My 12 oz always sell out first - this year 7 gallons
My 8 oz sell out when the 12 are gone - this year 3 gallons
I had two advance orders for the 1/2 gallons - this year 1 gallon
Next year with the addition of 50 more taps, I will actually be doubling my order for 12 oz bottles - number one they are less time consuming to fill per gallon of syrup, number 2 they amount to less % cost per package sold.
I pulled my taps a week and a half ago and my 11 gallons are sold out (minus my private stock of course)
Russell Lampron
04-24-2011, 04:55 PM
Quarts are my biggest seller followed by 1/2 gallons, pints and gallons. When I first started out pints were the biggest seller followed by quarts, 1/2 gallons and gallons. I don't offer 1/2 pints or smaller or pack in glass unless it is by special request. As for percentages I would say buy a dozen of each size container that you want to offer for sale. Price them according to what others in your area selling the same sizes for and replenish your supply as they sell. For me each year is different. This year so far gallons are selling much better than in the past. I have canned up 24 and only have 3 left. I just bought another case of jugs and will be canning up more before I sell out.
maple flats
04-24-2011, 05:03 PM
I sell many sizes in both plastic and glass but over half of my volume is sold in quarts. I have sold 9 gal, 25 half gal, about 130 qts, 9 pints and no half pints so far this season. about 5 gal in assorted glass. The rest of my syrup from this year's 205 gal will be packed as needed in a similar ratio until Christmas sales. I have sold out early the past 5 years but I may make it til Christmas this year. Then sales lean heavier to glass for gifts but most is still in plastic. I would guess at the end about 60% of all sales will be in qts.
04-24-2011, 08:50 PM
I sell about 90% in quart plastic WV Sugarhill bottles and other 10% in same style plastic pints. About the only thing I can sell and they sell well. Never had any luck with any other style or size containers.
04-24-2011, 08:55 PM
90% one litre plastic bottles
10% 500ml glass Kent bottles
I use four of the one litre plastic bottles for customers that want a gallon (4 litres) or more.
04-25-2011, 06:31 AM
I think most agree that quarts will be your best selling size. 1/2 gallons and gallons have probably increase the most in % over the past 3 years. Glass goes mostly for gift and novelties definately least predictable. More importantly your customers will tell you what they want for sizes. If you don't have it they can't buy it. Keep your prices in the ballpark with others in the area. Your selling a specialty product locally produced not a commodity. If you sell way below your competitors you may get some customers looking for a bargain but you will also lose the other end that now thinks you have to sell it cheap to get rid of it.
red maples
04-25-2011, 07:17 AM
of the top of my head I would have to say 55% qts 40% pts and 5% 1/2 pts and 1/2 gals. I don't sell the 1 Gallons
Amber Gold
04-25-2011, 09:16 AM
I have records for the past two years. For the 2010 season, from 1/2 pints to gallons, I sold the following percentages in quantity of jugs sold:
21%, 24%, 37%, 13%, 6%
For the 2011 season, I've packaged the following:
17%, 16%, 45%, 11%, 11%
As you can see, quarts are a big seller. It's still early and I'm not sure what the rest of the year will bring, but I wouldn't expect the ratios to change too much.
04-26-2011, 07:34 AM
Thanks, everyone, for your replies. I'm going to adjust my business plan accordingly. In year two and beyond, as I add more taps and hopefully more customers, I'll project an increase in sales of quarts.
I'm also rethinking my plan to package mostly in glass. It's difficult to find reasonably priced glass in anything but 8 oz and 12 oz sizes. So I'm going to have a few of each, including all sizes of Maple Leaf bottles, primarily for "show". But I'll package all sizes in plastic jugs and encourage my customers to refrigerate right away. I was concerned about the 3-month shelf life, before it possibly could change grade. But it certainly is a more convenient and available package type.
Thanks again!
Now this is very interesting because I was planning on 1/2 gallon and full gallon sized only. I might change and go with quarts and 1/2 gallons my first year only. I should be on target for around 40 gallons if all goes well.
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