View Full Version : ATV Max tank size??

warners point
04-23-2011, 09:08 PM
What is the largest tank you would pull behind an ATV. My dad wants to build a trailer to pull around so he can get in closer to the trees and also pump out into the bulk tank. Besides, hauling in 5 gallon buckets is a pain in the a**.

Bucket Head
04-23-2011, 10:53 PM
How big is the ATV? What does it weigh? Two or four wheel drive? Does it have standard tires, or those big lug, tractor-like tread tires, or do have chains for it? Is your bush somewhat level or does it have hills and ravines?

Its tough to reccomend a "maximum size" tank. You have to take into consideration all of the above variables. Just keep in mind a gallon of sap weighs eight pounds and it won't take too big of a tank to equal, or even outweigh the ATV. You won't like getting pushed down a snowy or muddy slope by the sloshing sap tank.

For example, a lot of guys on here have a couple of 55 gal. barrels on trailers. That much sap and the weight of a small utility-type trailer is going to be right around a half ton. Maybe one barrel and a few more trips back and forth would be better?


04-24-2011, 10:23 AM
Just a thought,
We use 35 gal. plastic tanks on the front and rear racks. We also built a ramp we run up to give us the height to use gravity to put the sap into storage tanks.
Sure that we are WAY overloaded, but have been doing it for 5 years. No breakdowns yet.
Just what works for us.

04-24-2011, 11:20 AM
I have a Honda 450 Foreman. 4x4. I haul a Cabelas trailer single axle that is rated for 500 lbs. I will tell you that I dont think that I have ever had 500 lbs in it cause I mainly use it for firewood. Having said that, loaded with firewood and having to go up any somewhat steep grade with wet ground it will spin the tires on the atv. so, it all depends on the conditions.

IF I were to buy a new atv, forst I would buy a UTV, but if it were an atv, I wouldnt buy anything less than 500cc. I say this because at some point I would want to put on some of those tracks for snow conditions.

04-24-2011, 11:41 AM
I have a 35 gal. Tank on the rear rack and a 65 gal tank in my trailer. I have a Honda rancher 420. You have to have weight on the fourwheeler or it will just dig holes trying to pull the loaded wagon, even in 4wd.

Russell Lampron
04-24-2011, 04:39 PM
I tow a trailer with my 450cc Honda Foreman with two 35 gallon tanks on it. When they are full of sap I know that I have something behind me. I have enough power to pull the load and I don't have traction problems but I don't think that I would put a tank on it that was much larger.

Brad W Wi
04-24-2011, 04:58 PM
I have a 6 wheeled polaris 500. I have a trailer with a 210 gal poly tank. Depending on the conditions of the ground (wet or somewhat dryer) I have no trouble going up the hills if dryer. I can haul less if wetter. Common sense comes into play.

04-24-2011, 05:36 PM
I have a Yamaha Rhino 440. A small trailer from Northern Tool that I put two 35 gal. tanks on and a 65 gal poly tank in the bed of the Rhino. That's over a thousnd pounds of sap, plus trailer. The Rhino struggles up the inclines, but makes it. Hard to keep front end on the ground. Rhino is only rated to carry 400 lbs in the bed but can pull 1200. I hear the new Gator has a bed capacity of 1000 lbs! Good luck.:) I make about three trips w/ 225 taps.

04-24-2011, 08:51 PM
I have a 650 Kawasaki Prairie and put a 65 gal leg tank on the back rack and 26 gal tank on the front rack. The weight is tough on the suspension but as far as power it hauls it no problem. My Dad's Honda 250 Recon even hauls a 35 gal leg tank in the back and a 16 in the front. Two wheel drive and does a nice job.

maple maniac65
04-25-2011, 06:27 AM
Honda forman with a 100 gallon tank on a trailer. Does well even when there is snow on the ground.

04-25-2011, 11:39 AM
Yamaha bigbear professional 400, and a tandem trailer whit one 55gal barrel, it is ok on trail could put a lot more, but have to winch sometimes this winter in heavy step hill.

04-25-2011, 04:01 PM
Pug articulating utv 4 30 gal drums in the back, 3 30 gal drums on a homemade walking beam tandem axle trailer 12" wide tire all the way around has very little ground pressure it will just about go anywhere at any time of the year.

04-30-2011, 05:23 PM
we have a 99 Polaris big boss and we only use one 30 gallon galvanized syrup barrel with a barrel funnel works great:cool:

ontario guy
05-03-2011, 10:03 AM
I have a yamaha kodiak 350 with a 35 gallon tank on the back (low profile). it works great, the steering gets a bit light going up hills (sometimes i put a kid on the front for better steering.
