View Full Version : So how was the season Region to Region??

red maples
04-21-2011, 10:06 AM
So I know up north things are still going on. What kinda season was it Region to Region? Below average, average, above average or WOW.

Here in the southern/ seacost region of NH seems it was an above average to WOW season for alot of sugarhouses.

For me last year was kind of a bust for my first year as it was for alot of folks. So I only have that much to go on. So compared to that it was a WOW, even though it probably could have been better. but I am still learning!!!

I am hearing alot of average to above average seasons were had by most!!!

How did your region do or how is it doing so far?

04-21-2011, 10:34 AM
Little below average here but hard to compare with any of the rest of you as I am so much further south. Never got a big run entire season but extremely happy with what I made considering how the weather never cooperated.

04-21-2011, 11:03 AM
I'd say average to above average in my backyard in Central New York, but not wow. If the weather forecasts had verafied, it would have been Wow. What's new;) That said, with new technology, I think our expectations are higher than what they used to be as we seek the 1/2 gallon/tap.

I collected enough sap to make 1/2 gal/tap, but the sugar was not there. It is quickly becoming my opinion that sugar content really seems to take a big dive on high vacuum. First 3 weeks of March were excellent, then we had a very cold week where we got no sap and then warmed up too quickly. Days stayed cool but night time lows never went below 31-32 and sap flow diminshed considerably. As usual, my sap stopped before my syrup went buddy.

550 taps
13,000 gallons sap
185 gallons syrup (135 of which was made by 3/22)

04-21-2011, 11:06 AM
I would call it fair for me. I definatley made more syrup than I have in the past 3 or 4 years but it took more taps than it should have to make the amount I did. If it wasnt for the vac it definately would have been another bad one. I got decent sap runs but sugar content was not good. Lots of sap, lots of boiling, lots of burnt wood and a fair amount of syrup for it. No complaints though it could have been alot worse. Back of the truck is full of new mainline waiting to be hung for next year.

Oh I must throw weird into the mix as well. I cant ever remember making b grade then right back into Light a at the end of the year. Then straight to mersh.

04-21-2011, 11:13 AM
For me in northern NH, I figure it was slightly above average, but the grade was high.

04-21-2011, 02:32 PM
This season was out of control here in western NY. We picked a hell of a year to decide to upgrade. Typically, in the past we made about 25 gals of syrup on 225 taps. This year we got a bigger evap and put out 557 taps, hoping for double the syrup. Theoretically that would have put us at about 50 gallons of syrup. We made just over 140! I even ran out of evap fire wood and had to go find/buy/scrounge more up and it's almost gone again. Just pulled the buckets the other day and got everything bottled up. Now we have a storage problem for all of it, but I've already had quite a few decent sized orders go out.
So, to sum it up, we had 3 seasons in 1 here in Western NY.

04-21-2011, 02:45 PM
It was an above average season in Eastern Ontario. Mid last week I'd heard Quebec was at 2/3 production but I expect the last 7-10 days have been good for them considering the cool weather we've gotten. The sap's still running and I could still be making syrup but the buds are out on the trees so it'd be junk.

04-21-2011, 03:08 PM
In southwestern Missouri I had below average production. About 2/3 last year.

04-21-2011, 03:17 PM
40% increase over my 12 year average - great season

04-21-2011, 05:11 PM
Myself and and another producer a few miles from me both had very low sugar content in sap. Running around 1%. Below normal year for some reason. Although the run was excellent and longer than norm.
Better next year-------

Russell Lampron
04-21-2011, 06:38 PM
I have to say WOW here. 275 gallons this year compared to 153 last year and 162 the year before that. Only about 2000 gallons more sap this year than last year but the sugar content was .6% higher for the season.

The sap quality was much better this year than last. It was clear almost to the end of the season and then it wasn't very cloudy. Last season it seemed to come out of the trees sour towards the end of the season with a lot of bacteria in it right out of the tubing.

sap retreiver
04-21-2011, 07:11 PM
78 taps, 32 gallons. That poor old flat pan (2x4) is just about worn out I know I am. 2 years ago I made 15, last year 7. Ya its a banner year.

04-21-2011, 07:26 PM
Awesome season in NE Ohio.

04-21-2011, 09:05 PM
I just realized something..... I dont think I ever will be happy no matter what numbers I end up with. I always want more. lol

04-21-2011, 09:30 PM
Similar season as Danno, as my bush is only about 10 miles straightaway from his. But definitely a whole lot better than last. 320 gal. last year, 525 this year. Quality was better overall.

04-22-2011, 06:55 AM
more than double from last year in Southern CT. I could have made more if I wasn't a one man show!