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View Full Version : best pitch and stack location

04-21-2011, 07:47 AM
After many years of boiling outside I am planning to build a timberframe sugarshack this summer. It will be 16 by 24 to house a 2 by 8 evaporator. I plan on have open pans with no steam hoods. I have been following a number of threads on this site and just wanted to check to make sure I got a few things right.

1. Best to centre the evaporator and cupola in the building. Make the cupola 2 by 8 to match the evaporator
2. Best to use rough stock on an angle to sheath the roof to reduce dripping under a metal roof.
3. One question I have is where is the best location for the evaporator stack? Through the peak or offset through one side of the roof? Either way I guess the evaporator will not be perfectly centred under the cupola opening.
4. Another question is what is the "best" pitch for the roof so it looks good and is effective for steam escaping. I assume too low doesn't look great but too high means the steam will cool too much before escaping and drip. I need to specify the roof pitch and location of the stack when ordering the evaporator.

Thanks again for all the great help.

04-21-2011, 08:22 AM
Speaking as a new small operator and having just finished the first year in my 12 x 16 shack I can say this.
I put in a 6/12 pitch roof and the cupola is 5 foot in length for my 2x6 flat pan. The stack is offset from center and works fine.
I would not do it any different. The steam vents perfectly, and I never had a drop of condensation.
Of course the size of the shack is generally based on what you can afford. Sure bigger is better to a point.
But I look at it as a three week operation.
Make it setup inside as effecient to work in as you can and keep the space to a minimum.
As I move up in size I only see myself going to a 2x6 with a flu pan and that will boil all I will ever want to do in the future. (I hope)
I have tried to lay out a complete business plan based on acreage, return on investment.
Remember it is as any farming or ag venture subject to mother nature. All the best planning in the world won't tell you one year your sap will run at 1%. Or the season will only be 10 days long instead of a month.
But it is fun!!!

04-21-2011, 10:03 PM
We used 8/12 pitch looks about right to me.
We offset the arch about 2 feet in a 16 foot wide room.
Note that we are using hoods to control the steam.
You can check the web site for some shots.
Good luck with the new sugar house. Keep us posted! With some pictures too.