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04-19-2011, 09:35 PM
we just pulled our taps this past weekend, when we pulled the plastic taps on line they were all full of sap. it is a gravity line. does anyone know why??

Haynes Forest Products
04-19-2011, 11:14 PM
Well its like putting a straw in water and putting your finger over the top and removing the straw and it stays full of water. Just because the sap quit running doesn't mean all the sap will just flow out. Without the gas and new sap to push it out some will stay. Plus I doubt that all your lines and mains are all sloped without sags. Next time you pull taps do the end one first and see what happens.

04-20-2011, 05:53 AM
we just pulled our taps this past weekend, when we pulled the plastic taps on line they were all full of sap. it is a gravity line. does anyone know why??

Do you mean FULL of sap i.e. no air bubbles? or just some sap in the lines?

I use a backpack sprayer. WHen I pull a tap, I start squirting water into the spout and usually a natural vacuum immediately starts up. By adjusting the flow rate of the sprayer, the natural vacuum will suck air into the spout (in addition to the water) and you will see bubbles smoking down the line. If this does NOT happen and the tubing will NOT accept the water; then you have something plugged up downstream. You then need to work your way downhill and find where the blockage is. Often, the act of washing tubing will dislodge a chunk of slime and create the blockage. Sometimes, I will have to cut the tubing and use a tiny stick to push the crap out of a fitting.

Now is the time to make sure all of your lines are crap-free so sap will flow unobstructed for the next season.

04-23-2011, 10:15 PM
okay thanks that what some other people told me to do, i think its just because the season is over. do you guys use just plaon water to wash lines out???