View Full Version : H2O Innovation

04-19-2011, 04:49 PM
Does anyone use a H2O Innovation R/O? I called about one today and there on sale. A 300 gph system is just over $7000. It is pretty much automated system and can be drained easily so it don't freeze. I would like to know if this system is worth the extra money compared to the waterguys unit. All input would be great.

04-21-2011, 08:21 PM
Does anyone use a H2O Innovation R/O? I called about one today and there on sale. A 300 gph system is just over $7000. It is pretty much automated system and can be drained easily so it don't freeze. I would like to know if this system is worth the extra money compared to the waterguys unit. All input would be great.

Here is a link to their web site. US contact is WH Supply
in Sheldon Vt.


04-22-2011, 02:25 PM
I find the numbers a bit hard to rationalize.
Airablo puts a 3 Hp pressure pump on two 4040 membranes. These guys have 1 Hp.
I don't see any comment about a feed pump so I think they are calling the feed pump a recirculation pump. On the Airablo 160 GPH rig the feed pump is 1 Hp, they have only 1/2 Hp.
The 1/2" inlet for 2 membranes seems undersized
I think it's cute the way they call the membrane an H2O 70-4040. I think it's really someone elses membrane that they are trademarking.

The Centre d'Acer in Quebec study shows that you don't get full flavour with nano-filtration NF becasue is allows som minerals to pass into the permeate. Their professional tasters claim there is a difference. True RO membranes don't do this.

04-22-2011, 09:26 PM
Looks to be pretty nice machine to me, certainly as good as Weterguys. I did not look for the price though. I run 350gph with a 1Hp pressure pump and a 1/2Hp feed pump, with no problems at all. I originaly used XLE membranes but found they require too much power. I converted to all NF270 and never looked back. As far as taste, gimmie a break. There must be a lot of off flavor syrup out there as virtually all maple membranes are NFs of one sort or another. This year I hit 13% a couple of times for some of the best, cleanest tasting I have ever made.