View Full Version : Shelf life sheet, spec sheet ???

04-18-2011, 10:21 PM
Trying to get my maple syrup into a retail outlet. Looks like they may order but have requested some info first. Specifically a "shelf life sheet, spec sheet, etc". Any resources out there where can i get some of this info to send and whatever else would one want to send to a retail store (the "etc" part)? Obviously I want to look profesional.

Thank you.

happy thoughts
04-19-2011, 10:02 AM
There's some shelf life info here:




Though I've never seen a shelf life/spec sheet, I'd assume the etc. might include instructions to store unopened bottles in a cool dry place, to refrigerate after opening, and how to substitute for sugar..... things the seller and/or consumer might want to know about selling or using the product.

happy thoughts
04-19-2011, 10:38 AM
You could also include calorie and nutritional info on the spec sheet. Here's a link to the USDA website where you can find that info


Just use maple syrup as your search term.