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View Full Version : flow meter in sap line

04-16-2011, 04:50 PM
Has anyone tried to install a flowmeter (totalizer) in one of their lines with vacuum. I am trying to gauge the amount of flow from 2 lines into the same releaser. I would think the vacuum would cause bad readings on the flow meters.

maple flats
04-16-2011, 05:04 PM
I haven't but I had problems joining 450 taps taps on a 3/4" wet dry line set up and had to increase it to 1" because the 3/4 after joining was full too often. I was joining 350 taps from one direction and 100 from another, the 3/4 was full any time the flow was good. The 1" works well. My vacuum is only at 18", higher vac might need even bigger, I did not like sap needing to flow down the dry line at peak flows. My dry line is black and my wet line is light blue, Leader 30P. The sap sure keeps cooler in the 30P.

maple flats
04-16-2011, 05:09 PM
One more point, the drop after the T was about 5% and the line was full. too often.

04-16-2011, 05:25 PM
What I mean is i am trying to figure out total flow in gallons from one line so that i can separate total output per tap in 2 separate lines coming into releaser without setting up 2 separate releasers at the pumphouse

04-17-2011, 02:34 PM
What I mean is i am trying to figure out total flow in gallons from one line so that i can separate total output per tap in 2 separate lines coming into releaser without setting up 2 separate releasers at the pumphouse

If it is a turbine or paddlewheel-style flowmeter....don't do it...unless you can take them apart and clean them thoroughly every couple of days. They tend to gum up due to the sugar and microbial snot in the lines.

These types of meters also don't like to freeze. Lastly, they are supposed to have a solid column of liquid in them to read correctly (one of several installation parameters that should be done properly to get correct readings). You can't just run a trickle though them and expect decent numbers.