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View Full Version : horizonal or veritical releaser?

04-13-2011, 01:44 PM
We are upgrading next year to a bigger better releaser. I am wondering what the advantages or disadvantages of using vertical and horizontal? I have seen Sprague's horizontal releaser and it dumps fast. Is that the advantage. I'm either looking at a 1200 horizontal or a double vertical. Looking for insight from people that have had both in use before.


04-13-2011, 04:16 PM
We are upgrading next year to a bigger better releaser. I am wondering what the advantages or disadvantages of using vertical and horizontal? I have seen Sprague's horizontal releaser and it dumps fast. Is that the advantage. I'm either looking at a 1200 horizontal or a double vertical. Looking for insight from people that have had both in use before.

We have several vertical singles and one double-vertical. The singles occasionally gum up and cause problems (stick open), especially with high vacuum. You need to keep your eye on them. We do return them to the factory for refurbishment every 1-2 years. In our experience, the double-vertical has problem free for 8 yrs (although it too gets sent in for refurbishment along with the others).

04-13-2011, 04:27 PM
we are using a double and a single vertical, i like the double because it gums up less... this is nice after i spent 2 hours tearing apart the releaser and cleaning all of it... if you go vertical go double

Brian Ryther
04-13-2011, 04:45 PM
The singles occasionally gum up and cause problems (stick open), especially with high vacuum.

My soultion to this problem this was to cut a piece of 5/16 and slide it onto the float rod. This would limit the stroke of the float rod. This helped a lot, but did not solve the problem completely.

Haynes Forest Products
04-13-2011, 05:41 PM
I have had absolutely no problems with my 2 doubles Bernards. Keep them clean and lightly grease. I also manually operate them every night after freeze up to dump all sap and keep free for morning. Buddy got the single vert and had freeze up problems at times. I like the idea of the tanks dumping from gravity at shut down on the doubles.

04-14-2011, 07:18 AM
Ive never used a horizonal, but I love my bernard double virtical mechanical. It worked flawlessly all season