View Full Version : Please Help Me Put My Mind At Ease

04-12-2011, 05:50 PM
I am a pround owner of a 2x6 G.H. Grimm Lightning evaporator. I don't know the age of it but i'm sure it's no spring chicken but in great shape. It has copper pans, i'm sure the solder has some lead in it. I Have a friend who just rattled my cage about getting lead poisoning. Should I be afraid to use it? Thanks in advance.

Thompson's Tree Farm
04-12-2011, 07:40 PM
Don't be afraid to use it. Let a small coating of nitre remain over the soldered seams and you will be fine. Lead problems usually occur from misuse of equipment.

Bruce L
04-12-2011, 07:56 PM
One thing we were told about possibility of lead contamination is contact time,when you have small runs or no runs you should empty your pans,as the sap will leach the lead out of the solder joints.When you have big runs and are boiling steady there is not much contact time with the joints.

TF Maple
04-13-2011, 09:39 AM
If you really want to know for sure you will have to have a sample of solder tested somewhere.

04-13-2011, 12:15 PM
Seems like reasonable things. The old timers didn't die of lead poisoning from syrup did they?

70 Buick
04-13-2011, 07:47 PM
There was lead in the fish of a polluted river near us years ago
the gov't did not say don't eat the fish , they said don't eat it more that twice a week, & that is a whole fish, having syrup every now & then won't kill you IMO

04-13-2011, 08:43 PM
you can also have your syrup tested to see how much lead is in it. As things continue to become more and more regulated there will come a time when you will get inspected and if you have anything that does not comply you will not be able to get the permits.
In that case you don't want to be the last one holding the cards. That is why many are constantly upgrading so they will be ready.
As was already said I'm sure you would be just fine provided you leave a coating over the solder. But when the inspector says it has to go then it is going to be worthless

04-13-2011, 09:16 PM
Have the syrup tested, and be mindful of the length of time sap is in the pan, but when in doubt, err on the side of safety. You don't want to minimize the dangers of lead.
It's true that lead never killed the old timers, but that's because lead poisoning in adults can be reversible.
In children, lead poisoning causes permanent - irreversible - brain damage.
No one wants to do that to kids.

I think the new way to frame this is: "you are the proud owner of a 2x6 G.H. Grimm Lightening Evaporator that needs new pans."

04-14-2011, 06:08 AM
just think of all the homes in this country that have copper pipes and lead solder holding them together. All the Old schools still in use. Until last year the galv cans that juice came in them. This is all a big scare for someone to make laods of money from. Yes there are issues with it but the issues come from the regulations being changed half way through the ball game. The other thing I would like to add is how did I live so long without them telling me what I should do. I think you get the picture now.
P S I inspect homes for a living and banks give loans every day on homes with lead paint on them and in them, but uncle sam would like us all to biuld new homes and get rid of it why? They changed the rules

04-14-2011, 06:17 AM
You're fine. When cleaning the pans, don't scrub the solder with any vigor - just leave some niter over them. Don't use acid pan cleaners, either. A good warm vinegar soak and some elbow grease with a rag will clean those pans no problem.

red maples
04-15-2011, 06:59 AM
Have the syrup tested, and be mindful of the length of time sap is in the pan, but when in doubt, err on the side of safety. You don't want to minimize the dangers of lead.
It's true that lead never killed the old timers, but that's because lead poisoning in adults can be reversible.
In children, lead poisoning causes permanent - irreversible - brain damage.
No one wants to do that to kids.

I think the new way to frame this is: "you are the proud owner of a 2x6 G.H. Grimm Lightening Evaporator that needs new pans."

Correct even low levels in children can cause brain developmental issues

As for adults it is problematic for the cell regeneration of interal organs heart, lungs, kidneys etc. and deterioration of joints. It can but rarely causes death. There are alot of other side effects, just read on the fall of the Roman empire. The romans used lead for EVERYTHING!!! especially the royal and wealthy.

04-15-2011, 08:26 AM
i rember when the big "lead scare" started,about 30yrs. ago. a lot of producers were having their syrup tested.turns out there is as much lead in one tomato as there is in a gallon of syrup. a friend boils on a 1913 IXL, heavy lead sodder, for sure, and he tested well below the limits.personably,i thin the whole lead scare thing was started to promote equipment sales. tin pans and metal tanks are basicly worthless,now. just my thoughts.

04-15-2011, 08:39 AM
Lead Poisoning is a very serious thing - no argument. But - common sense is also required here. When I was a kid - they were removing lead water pipes from homes and replacing it with copper - lead solder on copper pipes was nothing compared to all lead pipes. Raw - untreated sewage went into all the major rivers. All purpose dumps were placed in all the low areas to fill them in and fires were always burning or smoldering at these dumps. People burned soft coal in their homes. About everyone burned their leaves and trash. Most adults smoked and inhaled the smoke. It is impossible to pollute the Great Lakes was the thinking of the day --- Boy were they wrong..... Point is.... A lot of common sense action was taken and things were pretty well cleaned up. ------ Now - sometimes - we rally around little problems and ignore major ones. ------- Mike

04-15-2011, 02:09 PM
I see where everyone is coming from. Use common sense, avoid scrubbing solder and using acid cleaners. And just to be on the safe side, get the syrup tested. I feel better about using this evaporator. I have it re-stored (mostly) and it will not only be a big step up from my half pint, but is truly a show piece. Between that nice newly painted black arch and the shiny copper and brass fittings it looks like it should be in a brewery or fire house. When its done i'll post before and after pics. you would believe the difference! A little elbow grease goes a long way. Thanks for all of the replies.

04-15-2011, 03:05 PM
Hey richamato -- That is great -- would love to see the pictures. - Mike