View Full Version : Older springtech ro

04-12-2011, 05:36 PM
I just bought an older model springtech RO and would love to find a manual for it. It is the hobby 125 gal/hr model. The model Is the mini elite. I have never used one before and thought there may be one of these still in use somewhere out there in trader land. Anyone got any info on this little machine? I don't expect miricles from this little unit but anything will be better than boiling 1.3% all season! Seller will help set it up and guaranteed a test run to not less than 10% with first sap run of 2012. All I want is 8!

04-12-2011, 08:53 PM
Contact Leader evaporator as they sold the unit and likely have a digital copy or a regular copy they could send you.

04-12-2011, 10:32 PM
I downloaded a operators manual this winter for Springtech RO's. I think it was off Leaders website under RO

04-13-2011, 08:27 AM
The most recent document I can find is from 2007. This unit is about a 2003. I dont physically have it yet, so I am hoping there is an address for springtech and maybe go that way. Thanks for the input and I will try leader to see if they have any ideas. Still hoping that there is someone out there who still runs one of these little units for some input on do's and dont's that the seller may not know about.

05-19-2011, 07:50 AM
After cleaning the old girl up a bit, it looks like it was built in the late 90's. It cleaned up pretty well. Can't wait till the sugar house modifications are complete so I can get her in place and plummed in!

05-21-2011, 07:54 AM
You won't find an address for Srpingtech. It's only a trademark for Leader. As I understand it they are made by Airablo. Leader will have the best manual you can get, and if it's like the others on the web site, it's not English,
it's Frenglish. Aiarablo is in Quebec. The book that came with mine, not the Hobby model, is almost identical to the one you can download. They leave out lots of info .... like on the wash cycle you actually have to turn on the pumps at some point ... both of them ... but they don't tell you that.

05-21-2011, 09:28 AM
Yeah Brent! If I were to have to rely solely on the manual available online, I would ruin the machine on my first run for sure! After reviewing the PDF I have more questions than before I looked. Thank god for you guys here on the trader, and especially Justin Turco who has been running an identical machine for the past couple years.