View Full Version : Is this Shack able to be saved???

04-11-2011, 05:55 PM

Ok what do you guys think??? Can my Sister In-Law and I save this thing??? She has to do a senior project for school and she wants to restore the maple lot... The Shack has not been used for about 20 years and the trees have not been taped for 10 to 12 years or so... We are on a very limited budget so take it easy on us!!!
With that said any suggestions???

04-11-2011, 06:16 PM

Ok what do you guys think??? Can my Sister In-Law and I save this thing??? She has to do a senior project for school and she wants to restore the maple lot... The Shack has not been used for about 20 years and the trees have not been taped for 10 to 12 years or so... We are on a very limited budget so take it easy on us!!!
With that said any suggestions???[/QUOTe

From what the pictures show it looks salvageable to me.
the ridgeline is not falling in. side walls look relatively plumb.
new tin on the roof if its leaking bad.
A few new boards on the walls
I would pressure wash the inside with bleach water. Let it dry good.
then paint with a washable paint.

04-11-2011, 06:29 PM
There is spare tin laying around all over the place... There is a number of holes in the roof... The windows and doors are gone... The floor needs alot of work, some beams need replaced, and alot of floor boards need replaced... Anyone know where I can get rough cut lumber at a fair price???

As I said I am trying to help my 17 year old sister in-law do her senior project and I dont have much money to spare, time and labor is one thing but cash is another...

04-11-2011, 06:43 PM
It looks awesome to me….just a LOT of elbow grease and hauling away of junk. The windows could be replaced with salvage from Craig's list possibly. I'd get rid of the insulation, check with local lumber mills for the replacement lumber. We are building our sugar shack with all locally milled lumber. Some areas even have sawyers that will come to YOUR property and mill your lumber! That may be the ticket, especially if you have some lumber that he can take for trade?

04-11-2011, 06:49 PM
You bet you could fix that place up really nice. a little elbow grease and imigination you could have a great setup. Each year do alittle more as you can afford it.
Good luck---

04-11-2011, 07:18 PM
There is spare tin laying around all over the place... There is a number of holes in the roof... The windows and doors are gone... The floor needs alot of work, some beams need replaced, and alot of floor boards need replaced... Anyone know where I can get rough cut lumber at a fair price???

As I said I am trying to help my 17 year old sister in-law do her senior project and I dont have much money to spare, time and labor is one thing but cash is another...

as said local transfer station for windows and doors, saw mill for rough cut. Take the floor out in most places and put crushed stone put the tin on the leaky roof, and then P M me and I will get you 5 gallons of barn red to give it a paint job if you want. This is a great senior project with some history. This is great of you to help her.
Also Thanks for serving Cpl.

04-12-2011, 10:19 AM
It looks sound and the ridge is nice and straight. It's definitely worth saving.

Anyone know where I can get rough cut lumber at a fair price???

I think Wilkins Lumber on the Milford-Mt. Vernon Line has rough cut for a good price. Or Poulsen's Lumber up here in Littleton has real good prices.

Or try this link to find a local sawyer in your area of NH.

04-12-2011, 12:51 PM
Don't know where in NH you are, but Habitat for Humanity has a couple of "ReStores" which sell used building supplies (doors, windows, etc) for pretty cheap. There's one in Ashland, and one in Dover... they don't often have lumber, but you never know.

04-12-2011, 02:06 PM
timber framed? definately.

semper fi my brother

04-12-2011, 03:12 PM
looks like someone was using it as a house at one time with all the insulation and sheetrock it looks like

04-12-2011, 03:57 PM
The bad thing is it is about 1000 to 1500' out in the woods... So no electric and no running water... And No path to it!! Going to make clean up and haul out a hard job... I dont have any equipment either so I guess it will be back breaking work lugging everything out of the woods...

OMG !! What did I get myself into...

04-12-2011, 04:17 PM
I've been watching your posts but haven't had the time to respond yet.

With the shack that looks very solid I agree with the other posts if the floor is bad and you have truck access to it I would pull up the floor boards and use them were needed on other parts of the building and fill the floor in with stone. For the windows I would buy some plexy glass and put it in the existing window frames cheap and easy.

Now for the grand over view of the project your going to be under taking. First suggestion is to find someone locally that has a quality set up and seek his help. It is very hard to get into the real nitty-gritty of the different aspects of such a huge project online. For the over all set up the real question is where do you want to go with this project? Do you want to do this as a small timer and stay that way or do you want to start small and traditional and grow to a modern day producer? With what ever way you want to go will dictate the set up from there. I went from a 43 tap gravity system to a 243 tap with vacuum in one year and let me tell you I wasn't ready for the amount of money and work it was. When I was a kid I worked at a decent size sugarbush with a traditional style tubing set up and when I decided to move to a modern set up of my own I went to alot of sugar bushes and looked at there setups and found 2 really good ones and they've been a great resource and now friendship. So once again I highly recommend finding someone that is local for help with the little things.

Well hopefully ill find some more time to keep up with your posts if you have anymore questions pm me and ill give you my number. Its great to have another marine on the site semper fi brother.

sap retreiver
04-12-2011, 04:37 PM
I know a few guys that saw around here and if your close enough to me I'd be glad to help with what I can. Just give a shout you'd be surprised how many of these guys on here will lend a hand or at least a piece of mind, many minds makes short work. sap on semper fi

04-12-2011, 07:14 PM
it looks pretty good and it looks like there are some windows inside and if you would be surprised at how much better it will look once that stuff is pulled out of htere and you give it good scrubing

Homestead Maple
04-12-2011, 08:05 PM
There's no hope for the chairs but the building has lots of potential. :)

04-12-2011, 08:48 PM
Save it and be boiling in it next year. set a budget of maybe $500 and see how far you get. Elbow grease and some creativity could produce a very acceptable sugarhouse for a long time to come. Good luck with the project.

04-13-2011, 04:27 AM
Well I hope we can save it. The problem is I think we waited to long to get everything we need to get... She will be going into her senior year this coming school year. So that gives us all summer to get the rest of the lines up and set up for tapping time... Should give us all summer to do some restoration to the shack too.. I told her I would Match her $ for $, she has about $600 so that would give us $1200. To repair the shack, replace and add more lines and taps, Find an Evaporator that will handle 250+ taps, and other equipment needed, i guess like hydrometers and cups, draw off pan, filters, and so on!!!

She has sent out letters to local business and to Maple Sugar Supply Companies. We will see what that brings us...

04-13-2011, 12:54 PM
Go for it! The Amish around here will deliver sawn native pine for around .37/ board foot. Semper Fi.

04-13-2011, 01:07 PM
The walls and ridge look straight. Timber framed buildings are hard to find and expensive to build new. I'd make sure the roof is good and no rot coming up from below, then you have lots of time to get the rest done.

04-13-2011, 08:56 PM
I think once you get started and gut it out it will look alot more salvagable. I know I'd take it on. I wished I would have had access to such a start at 17.
Good luck. I bet you'll have alot of fun and be very proud at the end.

04-14-2011, 09:18 PM
Are you going to haul water in? You'll need to have some water around even if you aren't finishing there. You'll want to have some kind of access to it, even during sugaring season. Maybe with a snowmobile or something.

04-15-2011, 06:27 AM
That building is a diamond in the rough! I wish I had one like it. Strip it down to the frame and siding. Check CraigsList and the local transfer station (or dump) for windows. I got all of my windows and roofing from the dump. You can do alot with very little. Good luck and keep us posted.

04-15-2011, 08:12 PM
Hope to make it out to the wood this weekend and clean all the trash out of it!!!

NH Maplemaker
04-16-2011, 04:46 PM
U.S.M.C.Cpl I'm over here in Cornish not to far from you. Would be willing to donate some used health spouts with drops to the project! They are all good an clean. They would work for the first few years or until you make alot of money selling syrup LOL! Any ways there yours if you want them! JimL.

04-17-2011, 02:23 PM
How do you guys attach pictures... I saw that some of you have attached thumbnails and when u click they get bigger how do you guys do that??? I want to show you guys the progress we have made in her senior project... I would also like to thank a number of members for there donations to the project...

04-17-2011, 03:22 PM
Ok so my Sister In Laws Senior Project on Maple Sugaring!!!

What we found in the orchard was an Old Sugar Shack!!!

Here are Pic of the Out Side of the shack!!!

04-17-2011, 03:25 PM
Ok the Sister In-Law says we should try to restore this thing and we walk inside to find!!!

04-17-2011, 03:30 PM
Well we started inside... We removed as much as we could!!!

04-17-2011, 03:33 PM
Well we are removing some trees to get to the shack and thin the bush!!!

04-17-2011, 04:20 PM
Looks like a great first day! You can actually see the floor!
What you did outside the shack reminds me of how I spent the past three days - clearing saplings & debris from around the maples so I can run lines. Looks a lot nicer.

It'll be something to see the before/after picts when you're finished.

Keep up the good work!

04-17-2011, 06:46 PM
What a great start you two have. :)

happy thoughts
04-17-2011, 07:35 PM
What a great project. Wishing you both the best of luck :) Only wish we lived closer and could contribute our hands in some way. Our hearts and prayers are certainly with you. Please keep us posted on your progress!

04-17-2011, 09:50 PM
Nice progress on cleaning out and around the sugar shack in one day!
Wow it has a wood floor! Couldn't see that before!
Your evaporator looks like a great start to a sugaring future. You and your sister in law and family will make many memories.
Thanks for keeping us safe, I appreciate your service in the U.S.M.C.!
Keep us posted.

3% Solution
04-18-2011, 03:23 PM
Hey Marine,
Where is this in Sunapee?
I'm right next door to you.

04-18-2011, 04:39 PM
Looks better than my sugarhouse already lol. Love old buildings and to restore it and make syrup in it again is a great thing. Looks like you got some clear cut done. be sure to save that wood to fire the new evaporator.

04-18-2011, 04:46 PM
Looks better than my sugarhouse already lol. Love old buildings and to restore it and make syrup in it again is a great thing. Looks like you got some clear cut done. be sure to save that wood to fire the new evaporator.

Well then I want to see pics of your Sugar House!!! LOL!!! I was looking for the nails and or screws while inspecting the thing and what I found was wooden pins or dowels, must be older than what I thought... Yeah we are going to cut it up to 18" and stack it somewhere out of the way...

04-18-2011, 04:56 PM
Well that would only make you feel better and me worse. Actually mine isnt so bad it is just not what I would like it to be. One thing at a time though. I plan on residing it this summer with board and batten. Problem is mine is all steel siding and I hate the way it looks. Its not the structeral problem for me it is just ugly. lol

04-18-2011, 05:01 PM
Well that would only make you feel better and me worse. Actually mine isnt so bad it is just not what I would like it to be. One thing at a time though. I plan on residing it this summer with board and batten. Problem is mine is all steel siding and I hate the way it looks. Its not the structeral problem for me it is just ugly. lol

I think it would make me feel better, but it would also help me figure out where to put stuff inside of the shack after we get it leveled and repaired...
I do like the natural look of this one...

04-18-2011, 05:08 PM
I actually have never taken a picture of the inside of mine. Its crammed full of wood and shiny metal maple equipment. My evaporator is dead center in the building to take advantage of the steam rising out of the pans (no hood) and going straight up to the coupla to vent the steam out. Head tank to feed the evaporator is directly behind and against the back wall. I like my wood close so there is about 5 cord stacked on one wall paralleling the evaporator and then more in a woodshed addition outside. Other wall is some shelving and counters for filtering, bottling and other such things. The flow is good but Im soon going to have to put on an addition yet again to get the head tank out of the main room for a bigger evaporator. 3x12 looks to be in my near future. Building is 16x28 or 32 cant remember. Amazes me how fast it gets outgrown.

04-18-2011, 05:33 PM
I actually have never taken a picture of the inside of mine. Its crammed full of wood and shiny metal maple equipment. My evaporator is dead center in the building to take advantage of the steam rising out of the pans (no hood) and going straight up to the coupla to vent the steam out. Head tank to feed the evaporator is directly behind and against the back wall. I like my wood close so there is about 5 cord stacked on one wall paralleling the evaporator and then more in a woodshed addition outside. Other wall is some shelving and counters for filtering, bottling and other such things. The flow is good but Im soon going to have to put on an addition yet again to get the head tank out of the main room for a bigger evaporator. 3x12 looks to be in my near future. Building is 16x28 or 32 cant remember. Amazes me how fast it gets outgrown.

Lol, Good time to get the camera out! OMG Wood I hope we will have enough with the stuff we thin out this year... Shiny Metal Maple equipment, thats what my sister in-law likes to see clean and shiney... There is no coupla in hers so we have a hood, weather or not its gonna work is yet to be seen.. Tanks, we used 275gal caged totes that the guy we gave the sap to had bought, we had to give those back... Our flow is good to cause there is nothing in the building, LOL!!! Filtering, and Bottling, OMG more stuff I have to think about getting... Bigger are u kidding 3 x 12 OMG I dont even want to know what that would cost, if she sticks with it after her senior project I guess something bigger may be in our future, and if she does not thin I will pass everything on to someone who needs it.. I think we measured 16 by 20 with a little 6 x 4 wood cove on the side, called it a cove as it can be loaded from in the building...

04-18-2011, 08:49 PM
Lol, Good time to get the camera out! OMG Wood I hope we will have enough with the stuff we thin out this year... Shiny Metal Maple equipment, thats what my sister in-law likes to see clean and shiney... There is no coupla in hers so we have a hood, weather or not its gonna work is yet to be seen.. Tanks, we used 275gal caged totes that the guy we gave the sap to had bought, we had to give those back... Our flow is good to cause there is nothing in the building, LOL!!! Filtering, and Bottling, OMG more stuff I have to think about getting... Bigger are u kidding 3 x 12 OMG I dont even want to know what that would cost, if she sticks with it after her senior project I guess something bigger may be in our future, and if she does not thin I will pass everything on to someone who needs it.. I think we measured 16 by 20 with a little 6 x 4 wood cove on the side, called it a cove as it can be loaded from in the building...

If you guys do not continue with making syrup after the first year, you and your sister in law will be the firsst ones to ever be able to walk away from the maple madness before one foot hit the coffin. Good luck on that.

04-19-2011, 04:33 AM
If you guys do not continue with making syrup after the first year, you and your sister in law will be the firsst ones to ever be able to walk away from the maple madness before one foot hit the coffin. Good luck on that.

She may have to walk away for awhile depending on the college she decides to go to!!! But that should only be 4 to 8 years...

04-24-2011, 11:51 AM
We cleaned out around the outside a little!!! We did some more thinning of the woods... We stacked up more trash...

04-24-2011, 11:54 AM
We dug up some more tubing and mainline!! I guess we are going to have to flush some more lines and do some more patching!!! Found a rotten beam too!!

04-24-2011, 01:22 PM
Is pic 4 an old pan or something?

70 Buick
04-24-2011, 01:30 PM
looks like an old english tin pan to me
too bad the old evaporator wasn't still there lOL

04-24-2011, 01:51 PM
Yes It is an old Pan it is so rotten that we can not move it, we are going to have to finish cleaning it out...

04-24-2011, 08:50 PM
My son just completed his senior project at Sunapee High last Thursday. There are plenty of people around the area who would be willing to help you guys get up and running. Just let us know what you need. Mark

04-30-2011, 04:50 AM
My son just completed his senior project at Sunapee High last Thursday. There are plenty of people around the area who would be willing to help you guys get up and running. Just let us know what you need. Mark

Yep she is on the final stretch, as hers is do the same time next year... Lots of work to be done it such short time frame, and lots of supplies to be had...

Off to Bascoms today!!! She has saved up another $100, so again I will match her!!! So $200 to spend at the open house!!! But her list is a long one...

Yes you are right about the plenty of people to help get her up and running... You would think manufactures and suppliers would help too!!!

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-01-2011, 08:56 AM
Yes you are right about the plenty of people to help get her up and running... You would think manufactures and suppliers would help too!!!

As you have found that there is a lot of people willing to help you guys out but for me to see the Big Manufacturers help out I would like to think so but doubt it. Hope I am proved wrong. The pre heater that was made for you guys is awesome.

05-01-2011, 02:31 PM
As you have found that there is a lot of people willing to help you guys out but for me to see the Big Manufacturers help out I would like to think so but doubt it. Hope I am proved wrong. The pre heater that was made for you guys is awesome.

Maybe so but if the manufactures jumped on board everything then they would probably go bankrupt. Problem is so many people are dishonest that before you knew it all kinds of people would be coming up with so called "worthwhile projects" that is all they would get done. I am not making a reference to this thread in any way and please don't take it that way. After working in the insurance claims industry for 15 years, it doesn't take long to find out how many people are dishonest and the stories(lies) they dream up are unbelievable.

05-01-2011, 05:36 PM
Well we spent all day in the maple orchard... I broke a set of brush cutters and had to go buy another set... Sister In-Law was stacking everything I cut down or trimmed up... Father In-Law showed up with the chainsaw, and did a little more cuttin'... I know this is not the thread for it but I am going to ask anyway... How do you thin an orchard, I cut out all of the underbrush, and started on the clumps of trees that are all grown together, people tell me to cut the little one out and save the big ones, but I cant cause they are all grown together, so do I cut them all??? Also the clumps are in groups of 3 - 7 trees, and about a foot or two from the next clump of trees... So how do you guys do it???

We really did not get much done on the shack as we are trying to thin the orchard so we can get a truck or four wheeler out in the woods to lug stuff in and out...

05-01-2011, 05:39 PM
Well we spent all day in the maple orchard... I broke a set of brush cutters and had to go buy another set... Sister In-Law was stacking everything I cut down or trimmed up... Father In-Law showed up with the chainsaw, and did a little more cuttin'... I know this is not the thread for it but I am going to ask anyway... How do you thin an orchard, I cut out all of the underbrush, and started on the clumps of trees that are all grown together, people tell me to cut the little one out and save the big ones, but I cant cause they are all grown together, so do I cut them all??? Also the clumps are in groups of 3 - 7 trees, and about a foot or two from the next clump of trees... So how do you guys do it???

We really did not get much done on the shack as we are trying to thin the orchard so we can get a truck or four wheeler out in the woods to lug stuff in and out...
I too am wondering the answer for this question. We have MANY maples growing in clumps????

05-01-2011, 06:27 PM
When thinning ,your area or county forester most commonly can give you a crash course for free. Are you the land-owner ? I love what you guys are doing, cant wait to see the steam coming out of that old girl! Remember, allot of syrup has been made in primitive settings so put the money in the woods! thats where the sap is! how many taps do you think you have?

05-01-2011, 07:15 PM
When thinning ,your area or county forester most commonly can give you a crash course for free. Are you the land-owner ? I love what you guys are doing, cant wait to see the steam coming out of that old girl! Remember, allot of syrup has been made in primitive settings so put the money in the woods! thats where the sap is! how many taps do you think you have?

Ok so I get online and look for county forester and give them a call??? In my dreams I would be the land owner!!! My In-laws Own the Land... We hope we can get it restored or we are going to be in the garage boiling sap... She had 122 last year but it was with line that we dug up out of the ground in the orchard, from research we found it was not tapped for 15 - 20 years so the tubbing and taps are old and nasty but we flushed the lines... Hope to hit 250!! She gave all the sap away last year and the guy made 20 gals of syrup with it...

05-01-2011, 07:32 PM
I guess the main thing is cutting too much or too little, obviously. If this is someone elses property you dont want to tick them off, but try to be a good steward. Probably no need in going crazy in the first couple seasons, especialy if she may be going away. If you contact your town clerk, they can provide you with the name of the county or district forester. Most of the time a landowner is allowed a free visit anually, i think? On another note, you gonna hack out that wood floor, or most of it? might be some good stuff to fix up the rest of the place!

05-01-2011, 07:47 PM
I guess the main thing is cutting too much or too little, obviously. If this is someone elses property you dont want to tick them off, but try to be a good steward. Probably no need in going crazy in the first couple seasons, especialy if she may be going away. If you contact your town clerk, they can provide you with the name of the county or district forester. Most of the time a landowner is allowed a free visit anually, i think? On another note, you gonna hack out that wood floor, or most of it? might be some good stuff to fix up the rest of the place!

Have some floor joist that are rotted, found a couple of structual beams that are rotted so it is going to depend on funds and donations of rough cut lumber... Have to jack up one side anyway so who knows at this point...

Not going to make my In-laws mad heck my father in-law came out with the chainsaw and went hog wild!!!

05-01-2011, 08:00 PM
wood floor in the sugar hose seems a little iffy with a wood fired rig but you will figure it out. Must be someone converted it into a camp or somthing? neet old building, is there allot of trees for future expansion?

05-01-2011, 08:03 PM
wood floor in the sugar hose seems a little iffy with a wood fired rig but you will figure it out. Must be someone converted it into a camp or somthing? neet old building, is there allot of trees for future expansion?

Well I figured I could use concrete board under and behind, whats the worst that is going to happen it would burn to the ground but I am on the fire dept. so it should be a good training if it does!!! the people who tapped it 15-20 years ago had out 800+ taps!!!

05-01-2011, 08:20 PM
with my experiance with wood floors and wood fired evaps... ive burnt through my floor. joists and all. if i were you id put a gravel floors in.(limestone,pea gravel or even 304) oh and it is great training. as im on the fire dept too (cadet) and i sat and battled the 3 in tall flames with a garden hose for about 10 mins lol. coulda been worse though.

05-01-2011, 08:27 PM
I am just along for the ride (The Grunt Work) it is up to my sister in-law to figure out all the details as it is her Senior Project... If it was me I would try to build a new one... May take me 5 years or so but excavtion one year, foundation the next, buy lumber the next, buy hardware the next, and build the next, and start buying equipment each year after...

05-01-2011, 08:58 PM
If your in Sullivan County your forester is Chuck Hersey. Office is in Newport. He knows a bit about managing for maple as the county woodlot has just undergone a sugarbush thinning. Give him a call- his services are free. The other County Forester that knows sugaring is Steve Roberge. He is number is 603-352-4550. But start with Chuck- and whatever he doesn't know, Steve will.

and maples grow in clumps often because they are good at stump sprouting- especially red maples. Cut a tree, get 4 more sprouting from the stump.

05-03-2011, 03:02 PM
When my new sugar house arrives. I will line the floor and walls with SHEETROCK Brand 5/8" x 8' x 4' Tapered Edge Mold Tough Firecode Core Drywall. It has a 1 hour fire rating.

05-05-2011, 02:45 PM
When my new sugar house arrives. I will line the floor and walls with SHEETROCK Brand 5/8" x 8' x 4' Tapered Edge Mold Tough Firecode Core Drywall. It has a 1 hour fire rating.

Good plan for the wall, bad for the floor. Get cement board for the floor.

05-05-2011, 05:14 PM
We have had many request to stop by and see the orchard and the sugar shack in question or to lend a helping hand with labor...

We are usually out in the orchard working on Sundays, but not this Sunday as it is Mothers day...

For those who want to stop by and see the orchard or the shack or lend a helping hand with labor or equipment the directions are on this site!!!


Flat Lander Sugaring
05-06-2011, 05:27 AM
When my new sugar house arrives. I will line the floor and walls with SHEETROCK Brand 5/8" x 8' x 4' Tapered Edge Mold Tough Firecode Core Drywall. It has a 1 hour fire rating.

Its ok Butch no need to go over board. Good to be safe but unless you want the look of rock just need to worry about around the stack and under the arch where the doors are.

05-08-2011, 10:21 AM
Well I hit the Orchard this AM, was by myself... My Sister In-Law spends every other weekend in Hollis-Brookline with mother... I did some more thinning of the under brush... Really have come to a stand still as she needs to get a list of lumber needed so we can get some and replace what is rotted and jack up one whole side of the shack...

Now its time to get mothers day dinner ready!!!

05-15-2011, 06:02 AM
Rain, well looks like rain today, have heard some thunder too... Guess it is not a good idea to play under tall trees today...

My Sister in-law recieved more donations i will post them in the Senior Project Post as soon as I find the time...

Again Thank You all for your support and time and consideration...

05-22-2011, 12:49 PM
Well No Rain Today, But it was chilly out!!! LOL!!! No really it is Birthday weekend so no work, so no updates!!!

09-14-2011, 07:08 AM
wish I had that to start with instead of building new!

09-14-2011, 09:51 PM
where did USMC disappear to. Are you still getting the place together?

09-15-2011, 05:54 AM
I was thinking the same thing the other day...

but with all of the flooding, mud, and washouts over Vt and parts of NH it makes me wonder if he's up to his waist in mud helping out the people in need.

09-15-2011, 09:49 PM
Maybe but hes been missing for longer than that. I was wondering if he got a sent overseas.

09-22-2011, 04:46 PM
Well its been one heck of a summer!!! I work two jobs in the Summer, so time becomes limited... I work for the Town Of Sunapee (Highway Dept), also Sunapee Fire Dept, and Osbornes Marine... My Sister In-Law was a LifeGaurd at Dewey beach this Summer, So she also had limited time...

We have recieved alot of stuff, and we still need to get stuff, we are at a stand Still right now as we have not found a despooler that we could use for a weekend to string the 12.5 gauge HT wire that we got, we were told not to cut the bands untill it was on a despooler...

We have 1200 feet of 3/4" tubing waiting at the store, it has her name on it and we have paid for it we just have to pick it up but no point if we dont have the wire up to put it on..

We also have to get saddles for 3/4" line the next time we go to Bascoms...

Again we would like to thank everyone who has helped her with her project...

We did have a number of people or business who told her by phone, e-mail, or letter that they would send her some stuff but they never did, She understands as the economy is very rough right now...

As soon as we get out of our despooler snag we will continue with the pictures of progress...

She was also very sad when most of the suppliers of lumber dropped out on her for economic reasons, so that stopped all progress on the sugar shack and we are now mainly just tubing the orchard and going to set up the arch in a temp structure for the project, who knows maybe it will be completed in her college project...

Again Thank You all For everything!!!

Anyone has a despooler we could use for a weekend it would be very helpfull, and knowledge of working with HT wire a plus too...

We will report back soon..

09-22-2011, 07:32 PM
I have a de-spooler that you all can use. Its not a real nice one, but it does the trick... I won't be needing it till mid november. And I still have two stock tanks with your names on them that Pete and I need to hook up on... or I could bring them all over at once...

09-24-2011, 05:49 AM
That would be great... We Just need it for one day!!! I think we can run 1400' in a day, Two Runs one is 800' and the othere is 600'.. Can it be done in a day??? Just the wire not the tubing...

Yeah Pete is a hard one to catch up with, I guess that comes with the job of Mountain Manager, and Head of Maint., Then he comes to Sunapee and Runs the Marina I work at... Makes for a long day... Just drop them off at the Mountain, LOL...

If your over this way sometime and you wanted to drop them off that would be fine to...

Again Thank you for all of your time and donations and help