View Full Version : "Short Stack Sugar Shack"

04-10-2011, 10:42 PM
Well it has been a great season here for us , made about 15 gallons this year so far with a batch left to finish off. Just pulled taps today and collected another 60 gal of sap. Tap count was 70 and that seemed like a good count for my setup , any more than that would have been pushing it. Learned alot this year from all of the maple traders on this site Thank You !!!! Family helped out and friends came out to join in the fun. Best part for me is the boiling and the dread is the filtering . Next year I hope for a better setup for filtering. Cheers!!!!!! From the "Short Stack Sugar Shack"

Backyard Sapper66
04-11-2011, 06:23 AM
Glad you had such a great year. You have a nice operation over there. I tried the filtering tip you gave me and what a difference it made. Thanks a bunch. We will have to stay in touch during the off season.
Take care,