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View Full Version : How big of a pan can I make?

04-08-2011, 08:00 PM
I have. 4x8 sheet of ss so what is the max size of a drop flue pan with a syrup pan up front so any specifications or dimensions and I would be forever grateful

04-08-2011, 08:46 PM
when it comes to a fluepan a 4X8 sheet isn't going to do much. A four foot wide sheet will be enough to do a 2 foot wide pan with 8"-9" sides and have a few inches to crimp over at the top to get some strength. And that doesn't account for any divider partitions

04-10-2011, 10:25 AM
I was just looking into asking a similar question except im not limited to a single sheet, plus I know an amazing tig welder looking for a challenge. So how big do I go? Number of flues, spacing and width of flues, inward or outward overhang on top, do I double wall sides of pan, maybe insulate? If u had no limits what would ur pans be like?

04-11-2011, 07:33 AM
A 4x8 sheet will make a 18x39 flue pan, with 9" sides and 6 1"x5" flues with one divider.

Have your metal supplier shear a 9"x8' strip off the long edge. That becomes your ends and your center divider.

Take the 39x96 piece, and that is 6 flues @5" deep, (60")+2@9" sidewalls(18") + 18" width.

See my flue pan thread (search for threads started by big_eddy)

04-21-2011, 06:06 AM
I have come up with a very simple way to make flue pans if you have a shear and a brake .I am currently building 2 that are 24 x 60 with a 5 inch drop and a 5 inch rise in them . With this stile of building them you can make them as wide as you like by simply adding more flues.

01-24-2012, 05:10 AM
Monterey , Can you tell us more on how you make flue pans ?