View Full Version : pulled taps
Mike in NY
04-08-2011, 02:57 PM
100buckets washed up and put away,still have to pull the taps on the lines this weekend. They are still running 60-70 gallons a day but that last stuff we made was real dark cooking syrup and 7 quarts of that is all I can use. Was a good yr,we boiled every day from march 10 till 3rd of april.
everyone is wrapping up here to. there were a few producers still boiling this week. most I would expect are done. everyone I ahve spoken to has had a great year.
04-08-2011, 09:03 PM
It looks and feels like the middle of the season here in northern NH with 1-2 feet of snow in the woods and ice-covered lakes & ponds. The grade dropped from fancy to medium only today and we have not had any extended warm spells yet. I'm at 92 gallons as of today and still hoping to get my 110 gallon average.
Having said that, it looks like highs in the high 60's for Monday and Tuesday and no freezes predicted in the 10-day forecast. Not sure how my trees will like those temps, but I may hold on and see. the weathermen have been wrong before.
Here's my sugarhouse taken this morning. Certainly doesn't look like the end of the season. Somewhere under the snow is a sawmill, 10 cords of wood, a sticker pile and some things I forgot about:
Fred Henderson
04-08-2011, 09:24 PM
Finished off tonight. Ended the season with a nice gain over last year. Will start clean up tomorow and pulling taps. We had just about all the fun two old retired guys are allowed to have. Should be a law against it.
04-08-2011, 09:25 PM
and a law that says you have to make syrup again next year. When you quit, that's when you start going downhill! :)
Bucket Head
04-08-2011, 09:48 PM
Yup, were done too. The last boil was today. We will be pulling taps this weekend. No sap ran today and the temperatures for this weekend and next week are going to be warm- in the 60's and a 70 is in there too. Sad to see it end but we had a great season. All our upgrades worked great and we made a little more syrup than our previous record. All thats left to do now is to start planning and preparing for next season. That starts tomorrow, lol.
04-08-2011, 10:00 PM
Tomarrow will be the last boil of the year. Was a tough year thats for sure but always worth it. Was the best year I had in quite a few. Hate to see it go but love to watch leave lol.
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