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View Full Version : Washing Short spans of Gravity tubing

04-08-2011, 04:57 AM
I run 5/16 tubing gravity to buckets and barrels, no mainlines, 5-10 taps per bucket/barrel. Longest peices being 25ft max and 1ft min lenth, all connected in a web with tee's. My taps are still in now but im starting to think how to wash this stuff. If I dismantle the webs and boil the lines in the evaporator with abit of bleech would the longest lines be cleaned all the way through, and how would I flush them. There are 340 taps out witch took 5 rolls of tubing. Any input would be great.:confused:

04-08-2011, 05:57 AM
I hooked my small run to the hose to flush it out then used compressed air to blow it out

04-08-2011, 08:56 AM
I soak mine in a stock tank with warm soapy water ( i have a hose that can supply hot water) and then hose each one and hang it on close line to dry. I bungee them in bundles and put in a contractgor garbage bag. its painfully laborious but...on a sunny spring day it aint too bad. all my hoses are one lenght ( like 40 inches or so) and when i need more length for a tap i add a coupleing.

04-08-2011, 09:15 AM
I do two things with mine: 1) I use a rifle cleaning rod for a BB gun to push a tiny little wad of fabric (wet) through each hose. That gets out any gunk (and it works because my lines are generally only 2-3 feet long. Then 2) I soak them in a 20-gal bin with a little bleach in the water. (and rinse them off well, afterwards, of course!)

04-08-2011, 02:20 PM
Before I disconnect it all, I use a backpack sprayer and give the lines a good squirt and plug each tap. Then I go to the top and spray through the whole lateral.

Another method I use is....I temporarily hook several tubing runs together; go to the high point and start a siphon into the tubing network from a 30 gallon barrel. Then you can let you rinse water run through the whole network and walk up and down the line unplugging taps until clear water flows.

steve J
04-08-2011, 03:07 PM
I use the back pack sprayer method it works pretty well