View Full Version : Zero gaskets
01-26-2006, 01:50 PM
Anyone have any idea how much a new rubber gasket is for a Zero bulk tank. Its the oval one and I need 2 of them. Try $195 each for a new one through Surge. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ones I have are shot and leak alot of air. I tried vaseline last year and that helped very minimally. The surge guy said to just go and buy another zero tank. The problem is that the gaskets are probably shot on them too. I am suppossed to let him no tomorrow, other wise it will be a few weeks before he has enough to make an order again. Any thoughts/ideas will be appreciated. Mark
maple flats
01-26-2006, 06:32 PM
If the gasket is just cracked you might get away with rubbing food grade silicone sealant on it, put a layer of plastic wrap and close it. After it cures carefully remove the wrap and the gasket should be good to go. I have seen this work on other applications, not on a vacuum type tank but I think it would work. If not try the supplier I use, Fisher Farms Dairy Automation supply. They might have it or be able to get it in short ordery, 315-697-7039. They ordered things for me and got them quickly. Might not help (might even cost more) but you can say Dave Klish, Dave's Sugarhouse sent you. Then they could ship it to you.
maple flats
maple flats
01-26-2006, 06:38 PM
Just thought of another possibility, a lead from another post about ss tanks on this forum. Try He deals in new,used and repairs ss milk tanks, he might have the gaskets if the silicone does not do the trick.
01-26-2006, 08:49 PM
I have had this problem several times. I have found that you can use thick foam rubber (such as that used for standing on in shops) for a gasket. I have had trouble finding it on a regular bases but it does work very well. I don't like buying the regular mats that you stand on since they are very expensive. Sometimes though you can find simular material in remnant piles at odd and end shops.
01-26-2006, 11:00 PM a last ditch effert there is a company out this way called sealing devices. They can make just about any type of seal,gasket,or plug. and are usually resonable. If you ship it to me I can stop and check for you.
01-26-2006, 11:16 PM
Very good answers guys. I'm gonna do a little more research and see what i can do. Its not that I can't get the gaskets, its the price. I gather with this tank and the one cover is on and off several times a day, the back cover never gets opened. I will think some more and take a look at them again tomorrow. Mark
01-27-2006, 06:25 PM
I made one for the top hatch on our haul truck by spiltting apiece of heater hose and filling it with silicone before putting it on. Worst thing is not cutting both sides of hose.
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