View Full Version : September Journal
Ok I know I'm a little late getting this months journal started. so now we are in September... seems like crunch time, getting into the woods, marking trees before the leaves are off, the Fairs are all starting up and more Syrup will be sold!! How many of you will be selling at booths this fall, It will be interesting working the Ma.maple booth at the Big E this year. I will finally start running tubing this weekend.
09-04-2003, 07:15 AM
Sorry, forgot to log in!!!! when posting that.
09-04-2003, 02:27 PM
This month is summed up in one word...
09-04-2003, 07:35 PM
I just got done mounting my steam hood from the rafters in my sugar shack (what a one man job). The 2 by six is cleaned, covered and ready for a quick rinse once the season starts.
I have a question about steam venting. Since I now have a steam hood with a 12" and 6" pipe (syrup pan) running up to my cupola will that be sufficient to vent steam? My cupola is only about 1' by 2' long. Just wondering now that I am running a 2 by six in an enclosed 10 by 12 building.
09-04-2003, 08:14 PM
I got the roof all framed in over the wood pile off the shack. Just need to install the metal " when I get It" Start working on installing "and reinstalling" my latural lines after thinning out the woods. what a mess. :roll: But thats the easy part.
09-05-2003, 06:57 AM
Well, not much going on here. I have nearly finished up the maple stuff for the year as bowhunting is fast approaching. I have around 80 more taps to run mainline and lateral lines for and build a stand for my new tank. I have spent most of my spare time the last couple of months cutting brush on my grandmother's farm with a mowing sythe and I have a about 1 more day doing that, then I can concentrate on finishing up my syruping stuff. I am going to do a test boil sometime this winter to make sure everything is working good. I have fully set up my evaporator and I installed thermometers on both sides and hooked up every thing else. I am not going to install the rail gasket until a week or two before I start making syrup since it isn't necessary for the test boil. I have cut three more trailer loads of wood. I have over five cords split and stored inside, so now I am piling up unsplit wood outside the wood storage area. I can't pass up good seasoned locust when I find it. 8O
Hope everyone else is making a lot of progress and getting everything ready for next year. It is less than 5 months here till the season starts. :D :D I plan for Feb 1st, but it may be a couple of weeks later than that depending on the weather.
Good luck to all and kill a big buck this fall! :lol: :lol: :lol:
09-05-2003, 05:38 PM
Got the forms done today for the concrete tomorrow...pouring for the sugar house addition,the pole barn and for the camp porch..should have the additions done by the end of this month..and the pipe lines done by november....The deer sign here Brandon looks great...My older brother has alreay seen 7/8 different bucks...plenty of does also....Are bow season starts Oct 4th and runs 3 weeks..Me and my two brothers used to have a archery shopm, we ran it for 12 years.....Had to get out of it, no time to make syrup.......good luck to you all who hunt this season.........Mike
09-05-2003, 08:46 PM
Good luck with bowhunting this fall if you have any time. By the sounds of it, you are really busy. As for season here, it starts Oct 18th and runs till Dec 31st. If you need any bucks thinned out, I would be glad to help except I am a little far away.
I can't wait to see pics of everything new. It will be an awesome operation I am sure! :D :D
Russell Lampron
09-06-2003, 06:22 AM
Backyardsugarer I have my steamhood pipe vented into the cupola on my
sugarhouse and it works just fine. I also have a 2x6 and only have a hood
on the flue pan. My cupola is alittle bigger than yours but I don't think you
will have a problem. It has been a busy summer and this is my first post
since last spring. I just finished cementing in some loose fire bricks in my
arch and plan to paint the rails and arch front this weekend. Then it's new
rail gasket and put the pans and steamhood back on.
Archery deer opens in Wisconsin on September 13. We will be doing our part to thin the herd and help with maple regeneration. The Wisconsin Maple Producers are holding their Fall Maple Tour on Oct. 5. I have to get ready as my syrup operation is one of the four stops. Should be a good learning tour if any of you live close enough to attend. Usually about 80 producers get together for the event. More can be learned by visiting the Wisconsin Maple Producers Association website. Best wishes to everyone this fall.
Race Foster
09-07-2003, 09:53 AM
Started mapping out the main lines yesterday, today I'm working on the outside run for the new chicken coop, I need to move the other half of the flock out of their old coop, it is attatched to the sugarshack. and I can't re-roof it(the sugarshack) untill I rip the coop off the shack(I'm moving them to a location away from the shack for sanitary reasons)with all this reconstruction and all the old doors from the house and all the other old wood around I should have enough scrap and cord wood for 100gals of syrup!!!
Hi everyone, computer went down for a week. What a bummer!!! Shack is framed and the copula is up. Went with a 3x5 that sticks up about 26 inchs over the ridge board. Had to bring in alot of fill to level it out. Big rocks and alot of dirt. Glad to have a tractor to help. Went with a 10 x 14 shack. Now have to get the sides on and the tin on. Still have to cut more wood. Did alot of hemming and hawing on the copula size. Tried to reach Mike05478 but couldn't find his number. So went with the gut feeling. Put a 6:12 pitch on the roof. Father in law brought over alot of used plywood so we put that over the rafters also. Father in law was worried about condensation. We're also putting on a 6 x 10 lean to on the side for wood storage and also left 2 feet of eves oven the sides to stack some more. Dirt floor right now and will proberly bring in some gravel to cover it up for this year. Whew I'm out of breath with all this typing!!!! :D
Take care
09-08-2003, 06:36 PM
Sounds like you have been real busy!! sounds like a great shack, Be sure to check with your roofing(metal) supplier about installation, if you put plywood up I'm pretty sure you will have to put strapping across to get the metal off the plywood, it has to breath so it wont rust. keep up the good work, sounds like it will be done before I get up in the area there. can't wait to check it out.
09-13-2003, 10:03 PM
Today I Volenteered at the Mass Maple Producers Assoc. Booth At the Big E in WestSpringfield Ma., We had a great time, met some good folks, talked a lot of Maple, made lots of Maple Cotton Candy and packaged alot of Maple Candies also alot of friendly chat with some members of the Vt Maple Assoc too, they did pretty well in their building as well. if anybody gets a chance to go this year it's alot of fun. I learned some more pointers on making candy too!! those of you that don't know the Big E it's the Eastern States Exposition, New Englands largest Agricultural fair, so much to do there, and it runs for 2 1/2 more weeks.
09-14-2003, 12:34 PM
is it always at the same place or does it wonder from state to state? i went to the Empire farm days this year and there were 3 maple booths there. unfortunatly i only had time to see about 1/3 of what was there.
09-14-2003, 03:41 PM
Mapleman9000 it's always at the same fairgrounds.... tehy have permanent state buildings there for all the new england states, as you go through each one they show their local wares...and great food too, the rest of the fair is packed with anything and everything to do. if ya ever get the chance to go as a first timer it's well worth it. plan on spending the ENTIRE DAY if thats even enough time to see it all :lol:
here is their site
09-14-2003, 06:34 PM
This week was busy. I got the steel on the roof " for the wood pile " It ended up being 20 ft x 16 ft 8 1/2 ft highest down to 6 ft lowest end . I got all of my wood spilt & respilt and stacked in their filled up. I'm done with that **** wood :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: How much wood would that be :?: alot thats all I know. Now it's time to tackle those latural lines.
09-15-2003, 04:05 PM
Sure would be cool if I get that much sap this year, for 500 gal of syrup. I hope this season is better than last years. Can't get any worse. I'm interested in seeing how the new vacuum system works and how much more sap I get.
09-15-2003, 05:31 PM
How many taps do you have that you are shooting for 500 gallons?? In a really good year here, I can get a gallon of syrup for about every 2.5 to 3 taps without vaccum! My biggest problem is that my sugar content is almost always under 2 percent, so I have to boil more than sugarmakers up north. I don't know why because nearly all of the trees are sugar maples, the only thing I can guess is it is related to being so much furthur south. I am in the mountains and we had one of the coldest winters on record last year and that still didn't help the sugar content. I think it actually made it worse. I won't complain too much because my trees sure pour the sap! :D
09-15-2003, 06:42 PM
Brandon, I haven't done a final count yet, I wont know until I'm done with my latuarl lines. It should be between 1000-1200 taps. Since your season is done when ours starts come on up and boil with the big boys. I'll show some operations with 3000-14000 taps these guys don't fire up unless they have 3000 or more gals. But than again when you have 4x14 and 6x16 evaporators R.O. and steam-away doing 400-650 gph. Going that big I think takes all of the fun out of it.
09-15-2003, 07:06 PM
I would love to make it up that way some time when everything was in full swing. There are 2 or 3 large operations about 2.5 hours away from me over in Virginia. One of the producers has a large RO and a 6x16 oil fired evaporator and makes around 2,000 gallon per year. He runs most of his taps on Vacuum and has a very nice operation. There are some others around in that area that make around 500 gallons per year and have very nice operations also.
Good luck! :D
09-15-2003, 08:21 PM
I put a call into the local forester office here, they watershed we have is thousands of acres, come to find out they allow you to tap on a lease, he will mark out an area, mark the trees, and mark how many taps you may do. But!! I think it will be on a bidding type lease around $ .30/tap, I'd like an area for just around 250 taps.that way I wouldn't do as many roadside, and be around 350 taps. hopefully I will find out soon, the area is less than 10 minutes away, I also heard they let you keep the tubing up.
Also the Chickens are moved so sunday I will start tearing down the old coop next to the shack to get it ready.
09-15-2003, 09:22 PM
As the rate you are going, soon you will be the biggest producer in the entire state of Mass. :lol: :lol: :lol: . You could be president of the Mass maple producers and some day you may be big enough to just change the name to Desjardins Maple Association! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just kidding! Sounds like you are going to be into syrup up to your eyeballs with the 2x6 this spring! Next year it will be time for something like a 4x14, hmmm or even maybe a 12' x 40'. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
09-16-2003, 05:22 AM
Naw... don't think I'll ever go above 400, I'll only do that much if I tube most of it. To go with a bigger evap I'd have to own a nice bush close to home. 350 is the high limit of the 2x6 but I figure if I can get that many taps out,if we have a weak year like last year I can still get a lot of sap. Now if we have a great year... then I'm in trouble... Wife won't see me much for 6 weeks 8O :wink:
I don't know if it will work out but I figure why not check with them on the lease.
maybe I'll go up to that 12 x 40 size :lol: :lol: :wink:
09-16-2003, 04:14 PM
Whatever you do doesn't matter, it's fun giving you a hard time!
:D :D :D :D
09-16-2003, 04:27 PM
I know Brandon... :lol: :wink: I Made more Candy today, it poured into the molds just right, here's a question for the experts. What makes the candy come out more smooth or more grainy, mine is a little grainy, is it that I stirred it too fast? I tried not to. I went to the 33deg above boiling water and cooled to 200 before I touched it. it still came out great, I just like it alittle more smooth.
09-16-2003, 05:25 PM
i am no expert and have made candy only a few times but would say you either didn't let it cool enough or it did not cool fast enough. i have been told that is the main reason it is gritty, the crystals are too large.
09-16-2003, 08:27 PM
Last Friday me and my wife went to a farm auction and bought 545 gallon bulk tank. It was still in the barn, so Saturday I got hold of some of my friends and we went down and pulled it out of the barn. It took us all day to get it, but now it's all set up and I'm ready to install some more taps so I can fill it, hopefully everyday!
Well I'm back. Bad mother board in the computer. Good thing it's still under warrenty. Building is almost done. Going to get the metal next week. Pricing around for a evaporator. Like the 24 x 66 from Algiers so far. It's rated for a 100 to 125 taps. Should be enough. Need more wood and to put up all the shelves etc.
take care
Russell Lampron
09-19-2003, 05:37 PM
On your question about the candy, the longer you let it cool the smaller
the sugar granuals will be. I usually stir mine at about 185. If you let it
cool below 170 it will harden before you can pour it into the molds. Hope
this helps.
09-19-2003, 07:06 PM
For someone that was going to stay small, you are getting big fast. Soon you will be passing up mapleman and manning a huge operation. :lol: :lol: Just giving you are hard time. I think you are better off doing a little extra now as trying to redo things later! :D
Keep up the great work! :D
Thanks Brandon. It helps to have a great wife who really knows what you like to do. She's all for what ever keeps her boys happy in Pumpkin Village. Next year my son who's six wants to sell pumpkins,gourds and indian corn. The deal is he pays me back for the seed and fertilizer after his selling season. The rest go's to his college fund and a little fun money of course. His total will be about $10.00 :D I pay for the rototilling etc. Worth it to see him learn about commerace and how it works.
Take care and besides I only have enough trees for a 150 taps. :D More then enough for this guy! :D :D
09-20-2003, 07:08 AM
hehe " More then enough for this guy! " Thats what you said about only having 30 taps just not too long ago :wink:
Trust me Al, I know exactly what your going through.I was hoping for 200-250 taps .. now I want to be around 400 in case of a week season. I suppose if we are going to do it... lets do it right :D you will be so much happier if you do get a bigger evap. you'll be making enough to sell alongside your sons veggys :lol:
Ps Mike stopped by here yesterday (he was at the Big E)and got to see his "baby" all cleaned up, and also my shack with a leaky roof. tomorrow I tear down the old coop.. I am finally getting a whole weekend day to myself for sugaring.. the first time in months :lol:
09-21-2003, 06:57 AM
Jim, It was great visiting with you and your wife! You'll do great with the rig next season. I like your new sugar house design! Ya know Jim, If I wasn't mistaken, didnt i see your new sugar house in the barn under the tarp!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll let ya know soon on the tank......Al, sounds like your going right to town on your house, ill have to stop up and see it, you need to update your pic in Jims site....Oh yea, How did your mom and dad like the MAPLE CREAM PIE.....sorry Jim, had to, ill get back with you on wednesday ...........
09-21-2003, 09:02 AM
Mike ,It was great to have you stop by,hope you had a quick trip you can see I sure have a lot of projects going... yeah if I could only sell that car I would have enough to build!! spent last night at the maple booth, I made maple peanuts!!! well now I have the knowledge to make the goodies!!.
Al, Mikes right , have you taken any shots of as your building the shack, I would love to post them for you, as well as anybody else wanting to send me some.
Hi guys, Man my Mom and Dad loved that pie!!!! I told Dad I'd get him a pie when ever he came up to help. He'll be here tomorrow night!! :lol:
No pictures yet. It's a work in progress. Having a little trouble trying to figure out the copula. After that a door and I'm almost done. Windows will be nice to have.
take care
09-21-2003, 05:27 PM
My head is spinning?? Just a couple of days ago, you were at 350 taps? Now 400!!! Whew!!!!!!!! I'm a getting dizzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. 8O 8O 8O :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Soon, Desjardins maple farms will have the US market cornered! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Please remember the little producers on the trader! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
O.K. Jim here's your vacation resort home. In Fletcher Vermont, 235 acres including 3000 tap sugaring operation with gravity-fed pipeline and a fully equipped sugarhouse, along with a modest solar-powered home. Only $350,000.00!!!! 8O 8O Just reduced!!!! :o :D
So when are you going to open your northen operation? Oh by the way they show the sugar house not the home.
Take care
09-21-2003, 06:53 PM
Wow, that would be soooo nice Al :D Wish it was possible!!
Brandon... I wonder if I could squeeze in 500 taps, hmmm what would that be like :D :D , but I think I'll only be in the 300 range, I'm just being optimistic :wink:
Got a lot done today, recoated my 2 180 gal tanks with potable water tank epoxy paint, should work out great, plus it's white!! I did the outsides too it should keep the tanks cool in the sun!!
did some Demo on the old coop, with a little help from my brother in law, it will start looking like something soon.
09-21-2003, 08:09 PM
That sounds like a great deal on the property. Sure couldn't touch it for that down here. It is a shame that I couldn't retire early and move up there. Sure would be fun!
We are waiting too see more pumpkin village pics! :D :D
09-21-2003, 08:38 PM
Al, The price was the same on the property when it first came out a month or so not sure where the price reduction comes try to swing over this wed to see your SH....Do you still need windows, my uncle may have some soon.....
Well I did it!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D She's paid for and I pick her up tomorrow!!!! What a beauty!! Actually got to see it on the floor. Boy sure looks alot bigger then I thought a 24 x66 would look like. Boy now I've got to get busy!!!!
Take care!!!!
09-23-2003, 10:11 AM
Way to go AL !!! 8) 8)
Now you will have to call it the "pumpkin village sugar settlement!!!"
Or Maple Pumpkin Village... hehe you will enjoy it I'm sure, a big step up from the flat pans... now you'll have to sell those :wink:
when will you put it in the shack??
I've decided on making trusses for my shack, ones that I will reuse when I build the new one in a couple years.. that way the roofing and coupla will all be to the size I want. I just can't afford to build the whole dang thing yet with foundation and all...too much other stuff to do besides...
I hear you on the expensive side of stuff. Sometimes though it's all the little stuff that adds up really fast too!!!! Those darn ACE hardware stores just have to much stuff in them! :D
I have to finish the copula and the door. My father-in-law's coming up around the 3rd of Oct to help with the roof . So we'll proberly do the stack then. Should give me time to do the floor. Using white limestone stone. I can get it for 10.50 a pick up load in Swanton.
Then firebrick and sand. May have to call Mike up for some supervisor time. :D
Whew who ever said sugaring only lasts about 6 weeks!!!! 8O
Take care :D
A verry happy happy guy!!!!!!!
maple season only lasts 6 weeks :!: what 8O did I miss something... why is it taking me all year to get ready for 6 weeks? 8O :lol:
09-23-2003, 01:40 PM
ok... forgot to sign in .... sorry
09-23-2003, 01:53 PM
All right AL !!!!!!!!!! We knew you would go bigger, just not so quick !! Be glad to help you get started on the bricks... I went 1" on the you a little more room for wood......did ya buy Galv or S/S ?? Al, does your father inlaw have any harrows he wants to sell???? Jim, sounds like your realy going to town on the SH.....
Hey Mike went with Stainless Steel. Nope he got rid of all his equipment except for a John Deere 60. Scott said to go with half bricks I'm assuming thats the 1 inch varitey and 50 lbs of cement. I also got the price I quoted you. He asked me when I got the quote and I told him Friday afternoon. He went with it with no problems.
I pick it up tomorrow at 10:00. Have to take the top off my pick-up. Should be fun since I've never had it off. 8O
Take care
09-23-2003, 06:23 PM
Congrats on the new evaporator. Sure sounds exciting!! :D Did you buy it off of the maple guys or another dealer?? You won't know what to do when you can make a gallon of syrup in 2 hours or less.
I can't wait to see all the new pictures buddy! Better get on the ball before Jim or someone else has to come up and take them! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well Brandon, the evaporator will be in the new garage tommorow. Sugar house will be done on the outside in two weeks. Pictures will be coming soon. Hey don't you have to go deer hunting or something? :D :D
Bought it off a local dealer who's only about 9 miles from the sugar house. Makes it an added bonus for me and besides that I got a really nice deal!!!! :D
Take care
09-23-2003, 08:24 PM
Sounds good. Yes, I have to go deer hunting but it is over 3 weeks till season starts unfortunately.
I will be waiting on the pics and good luck with the sugar house! :D :D
09-23-2003, 08:28 PM
If anyone out there runs out of things to do give me a call. Jim will agree I have alot trees more than my 3x8 could boil. I aways did jump in the deep end frist. I think Jim once said I was nuts with my lines over the creeks, The ones only 250 ft long and 40 ft high.
09-28-2003, 05:48 PM
Well I'm finaly done. I finished up all of my lines today. just have to count the taps. I buildt my pre-heater sat. and got that installed. My wood is all done. I'm ready to tap boys. But first hunting season just in time too.
09-28-2003, 07:43 PM
I agree, let's go bowhunting. I finished the last of my lines yesterday and I think I am going to have between 275 & 300 total with about 30 to 40 of those on buckets!
It's 20 days till bow season and I am chomping at the bit! I would like to smack down a big mature doe the first day, so we'll see what happens! :D :D
09-30-2003, 02:06 PM
Hey.. is anything going on in the Syracuse area the next few days??? I'll be up there for work on Wed and thur. Oct 1-2 I'd love to check out any area dealers or whatever. anybody know of dealers near there?
09-30-2003, 11:46 PM
Jimmer... best i can come up with is three dealers around there,Lydon Mosher in Copenhagen 319-688-2518 about a 1.5 hr ride north off RT 81(WATERLOO/SMALL dealer)
COUNTRYSIDE HARDWARE in DeRuyter 315-852-3326 around a 1 hr ride south east and Link Maple Farm in Blossvale 315-245-1269 about 45 min. north east (both are Leader dealers)
P.S dont forget to pick me up a souvenir :P
10-01-2003, 05:19 AM
I will check on those ... thanks :wink:
your souvenier is on the way :D
10-01-2003, 08:48 PM
Hi, Has anyone have any thoughts on using high tensile electric fence wire for stringing pipe lines???? Thanks...........And oh yea!!!!!!! 3 days till bow season....Jim, ill let ya know soon on the tank..........
10-02-2003, 01:38 AM
Michael05478... We have two lines that are on high tensil and almost so far so good. Although one of them we had a cherry tree fall on and it sheared in two peices.High tensal will not take stress real well from what i have seen its great for critters but what a bugger to work with when you want to splice a piece in.I'm not saying it won't work for you but it's tuff to work with when it breaks. Our's was free so we tried it, not upset at all
10-02-2003, 06:59 AM
Rick, Thanks for the info.. I may try it, i have only a couple of short lines, under 500 ft....Or i may just say the heck with it and buy a roll of the good stuff.....
10-02-2003, 10:25 AM
Hey it's October :P
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