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View Full Version : Gravity on 15% - 20% grade

western mainer
04-06-2011, 05:17 PM
I have 100 plus taps on a side of our Mt. 15 to 20% grade 250 ft up the hill.
What would be the best way to run the tubing on gravity? I want to do these taps this coming year to give me more time to clear on another part.
Thanks Brian

04-06-2011, 08:29 PM
Do youplan on vacuum or just gravity? If you are only using gravity then I'd run longer 5/16 straight up the hill to utilize the natural vac it will create. You will still need some 3/4" mainline but by the sounds of it not too much based on your tap count.
If you are going to have vac. then I'd strive for 5 taps on a lateral

04-06-2011, 08:54 PM
They will run really well at 15-20% slope. There are places that have only 5% slope that work well. The mainline can be at a 2% slope and work fine.

western mainer
04-07-2011, 05:25 AM
I plan on a 3/4 main line do you think I could put 20 taps per lateral with this grade.

04-07-2011, 06:12 AM
Brain, any way you set it up will work well. That said you have to deside if vacuum is going to be used in the future or not. The new main line we put up this year worked great and it is only 2-3% grade. Mainely Maple had 50 taps on a 5/16th line this year and it was pooring out. If you have a cell phone I can send you the vedio of it I took. I am not great at this stuff(puting up line) but I do have some knowledge. We can meet and look at it if you want.