View Full Version : 2012 upgrades and changes

04-05-2011, 09:48 PM
Okay so the season is winding down and we all learned a little more about our operations and I am wondering what are all the plans for 2012. My list is pretty big and time and money always comes in the way but heres my list.
First thing is one I have been thinking about for a few years now. I want to redo the whole sugarhouse from wall height to roof pitch to siding and addition. I am planning on doing the same thing I did for my hunting camp and cut the logs off my own land and have them sawn. Not sure if I will do it in stages but im sure at one point Im just going to level the whole building and start new lol. Number 2 is the second vac setup is going online. I will be running mainline right down the middle of the 100 acres along a creek. The plan is to gradually pick up a few hundred taps on it a year. Quick walk of the layout looks perfect as the creek runs towards the main road instead of deeper in the wood so we all know water flows downhill. Got to be atleast 1000 taps in that section alone I can reach. The last ones are equipment upgrades. First of those is a filter press, second is to either get the tig welder out and start making a Steamway and hood or just get a bigger evap. Problem being is the price of new rigs versus gaining 20+ gph on a steamaway versus 12 grand. Steamaway seems to be the next step. Other than that Im going flyfishing alot.

04-05-2011, 10:03 PM
1. Steamhood and preheater
2. extra syrup pan made by Wegner or Schumacher?
3. aluminum buckets and sap bags to replace galvanized buckets
4. possibly some gravity tubing on mainline
5. hope to have close to the great weather we had this season

04-05-2011, 10:05 PM
Thanks Hues your list just reminded me to add a larger gathering tank. Maybe this was a mistake to start this thread. One reply and my list is already bigger lol

04-05-2011, 10:09 PM
Oh yeah I need another storage tank

04-05-2011, 10:13 PM
Thats funny stuff right there.

04-05-2011, 10:48 PM
I'm gonna buy a new flue brush.

backyard sugaring
04-06-2011, 06:55 AM
Would like to move the evaporator out of the barn and into a sugarhouse. Sounds corny, but I would also like to paint the evaporator the rust color is getting old.

04-06-2011, 07:03 AM
Steamaway and aof and auf.

04-06-2011, 07:04 AM
1. more sap storage
2. redo head tank so it drains from the bottom
3. larger feed line & filter
4. hood for over evaporater
5. more firewood
6. more firewood
7. vacum on 75-100 taps in my woods

04-06-2011, 07:12 AM
Already planning redo bottling area, new stainless counters, 3 bay sink, handwash, hot water heater and new ceiling. Need bigger permeate tank. Need to add 500 more taps.

04-06-2011, 07:24 AM
Have to list:
- Bigger Gathering tank and faster pump. This was a bad bottle neck this year.
-1,000 gal feed tank. With my gathering bottle neck it was tough to keep ahead of the RO, a bigger feed tank would help to be able to start the RO at lunch time even if I haul sap faster.
- Replace old tubing on about 200
- Add 300 plus new taps I WANT to be past 1,000 taps on vac for next year.
- add dryline on what will become a 600 tap system

Wish List:
-liquid ring vac. The extra sap that only running 20 to 22" inches leaves in the woods keeps me up at night! This also may be a necessity with the extra taps.
-NF270 membranes. I may try to buy new membranes to speed things up. If you have a day job and need to process 1,000 taps in 5 hours, a 250gph RO is NOT big enough. At least with NF90's it isnt.
-A tank shed for the outside storage tanks. Definitely going to happen, just probably can't afford it this year.

04-06-2011, 07:33 AM
1. Build the sugar shack and have it licensed.
2. Change my mainline so the pick up point will be 50’ from the new shack.
3. Hood and preheater
4. Air under and over fire
5. Add a new run to the main line to pick up 40 taps that are on bucket now.
6. Replace 5/16 runs in two smaller stands with 3/4 main.
7. Figure out how best to run those smaller stands for future vacuum and ladders.
8. Swap to CV’s and replace all drops.
9. Vacuum if time and money permit.

04-06-2011, 03:56 PM
build a building for at least 150 drums

04-06-2011, 04:33 PM
wow wow! we just have start the 2011 season yet here. Dont give us too much ideas to think at when all our attention is need to boil:lol:

04-06-2011, 06:20 PM
Not yet done for 2011, but here goes:
Build a sugar shack
better preheater
more taps
hood over 2x4 for better vision while boiling:lol:

04-06-2011, 06:50 PM
1. Convert my 2x4 homemade arch to a 2x6 or buy a 2x6. (Bought a 2x6 Grimm !!! it needs some TLC...)
2. Build a sugarhouse.
3. Add 40 to 60 more taps.
4. Have everything on a gravity system.
5. Buy a gathering tank.
6. Buy a Polaris Ranger with a cab. I'm tired of getting wet when gathering!
7. Hope God gives us another great year.

04-06-2011, 07:14 PM
1 -Find hillside to get gravity drain with more taps and less to reley on buying sap and GET RID OF THE BUCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 -Install blower system for over and under air for combustion.

3 - Find hillside to get gravity drain with more taps and less to reley on buying sap and GET RID OF THE BUCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 - Have aluminum hood made and installed.

5 -Find hillside to get gravity drain with more taps and less to reley on buying sap and GET RID OF THE BUCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6- FIND HILL TO TUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!

This list is just what I can come up with in short time.

lakeview maple
04-06-2011, 07:46 PM
:DId like to add another main line with an additional 100 to 150 taps, already adding a porch onto sugar house to store wood and barrels,and who knows what else ,thank God for a great first season

Dennis H.
04-06-2011, 08:11 PM
Add more taps, found that even with about 190 woods trees with some on vac I could handle way more than I currently have. I didn't need all that sleep I got this year!!

Put a hood and preheater on the evap.

Get a bigger sap storage tank, something in the 300-400 gal range.

Replace the Bender milk releasers for real releasers.

This one is for the dream list
Own my own stand of maples, something in the 25 acre range.

captian niko
04-07-2011, 06:18 AM
about 100 more buckets
all buckets need lids next year
build a dedicatid wagon for sap gathering tank
plow trails out so I can use tractor more often
clear more oaks and pine from the sugarbus
insulate sides of arch
add some kind of flue pan to my 2X4 pan (looking for advice)

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-07-2011, 06:25 AM
Not yet done for 2011, but here goes:
Build a sugar shack
better preheater
more taps
hood over 2x4 for better vision while boiling:lol:

just drink a few less sodas:D

04-07-2011, 07:10 AM
All in all great first season in new sugar house.
For 2012
new front porch
bigger head tank
extra counter space
stainless cone filter tank.
another 50 bag holders and spiles
Finish up outside of sugarhouse
more firewood

That should about do it.

Father & Son
04-07-2011, 08:49 AM
Trade my umbrella in for a set of hoods!!!!!


04-07-2011, 09:04 AM
good thread:
Must do:
- Try to get a new front pan that has fewer drips than Jim's [Father&son] roof:)
Would like to do:
- Have a little more wood on hand maybe 11 cord vs 9.5.
- Maybe pick up a few more taps?
Wish list:
- Would like to add on the front of the sugar house 12 x 16 for a store, display, sales room.

Jim Brown
04-07-2011, 09:06 AM
Hope we have 10 more seasons like this one!

Hey Jim( father and son) we need to do dinner!


04-07-2011, 09:14 AM
Ok so if I stay in Northwood

RO, and if I can get one add at least 150 taps.
Pour a slab in the SH
Buy a bulk tank
Maybe change evaporator to a raised flue.

And the really big upgrade I'm trying to do is sell my current place and buy a bigger farm. I've got my eye on one, just trying to work out a number with the current owner. Her father used to have a 1k tap operation there.

04-07-2011, 01:43 PM
Hi Dill, I think we know the same Karen in Lee. She is going to see if you want to tap her woods. She just had it logged to open up the maples. I think she said you tap next door to her. Keith

04-07-2011, 01:46 PM
Ya she called me yesterday. Small world isn't it. Not sure if I want to expand more in Lee or not. The taps down there run early, but when both Lee and Northwood are running it takes me too long to go down there and collect. Not to mention diesel prices aren't dropping.