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View Full Version : Flushing Lines

Dave Puhl
04-05-2011, 09:19 PM
I have 4 runs of 5/16 300-450' ..And I take them down each year..these are gravity fed and was thinking for next season to use one of those drill pumps with the cordless drill and a bucket of water to flush these and let the down hill slope drain them out...anyone ever try this....

04-05-2011, 10:58 PM
I have good luck with a backpack sprayer. But to avoid having to carry the sprayer around.....
Go to the uppermost tap on the line; get the flow started with the sprayer, then plunge the uppermost tap into a pail of water and the whole pail will slowly siphon though the entire line. Then if you walk down and plug the bottom, you can work your way up the line; pulling each tap and allowing water to push the crap out.