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View Full Version : Syrup Yield/Tap: Good vs. Bad vs. Average

04-05-2011, 11:41 AM
There are lots of threads on here that talk about good years, and bad years, and average years. But nothing I've seen that kind of "pulls it all together". I've been at this five years now, and so am starting to get a feel for what I can expect as an average, and how far off of that the range can be from a good year to a bad one. (I know, my old stats professor would scoff at such a low statistical sample...!) I thought it'd be useful for folks to post their ranges, plus a little extra info about some of the variables affecting the yield. It can be a useful guideline, especially for those of us on the "new" end of things, to compare with each other and adjust expectations for what any given year might bring. I'll go first:

Best Year Ever (syrup gal/tap): 1/3 gal/tap
Worst Year Ever (syrup gal/tap): 1/10 gal/tap
Average Year (syrup gal/tap): 1/5 gal/tap
Years Recorded: 5 years
Gravity/Vac mix of taps: 100% gravity
Species tapped: 90% Silver Maple; 10% Box Elder
Other Pertinent Info: Pretty even mix of woods trees with small crowns and yard/fenceline trees with large crowns