View Full Version : Stack heat to boil a secondary unit?

Forrest hunters
04-04-2011, 12:59 PM
Not sure if this is even possible but there is a lot of heat going right up the stack and is there a way to be able to use it to heat a secondary evaporator? Maybe something where the stack comes out and goes horizontal first through a stainless steel tube with tank surrounding it or on top of it with insulation on the bottom then up a stack. Maybe stacked evaporators or side by side evaporators. This would possibly be more than a pre heater.

Might be a reason why you can't but dont know? Ideas?

70 Buick
04-04-2011, 01:58 PM
I guess if this is available just to figure out how to get 2 pans in there


04-04-2011, 06:08 PM
How about having a little box. That a pan would fit in instead of that big barrel on top

04-04-2011, 06:18 PM
Not sure if this is even possible but there is a lot of heat going right up the stack and is there a way to be able to use it to heat a secondary evaporator? Maybe something where the stack comes out and goes horizontal first through a stainless steel tube with tank surrounding it or on top of it with insulation on the bottom then up a stack. Maybe stacked evaporators or side by side evaporators. This would possibly be more than a pre heater.

Might be a reason why you can't but dont know? Ideas?

In a way - The large arch and evaporators already do this - The fire box is up front under part of the syrup pans and the hot stack gases pass under part of the syrup and all of the sap pans on the way to the stack and some use copper coils around the stack for sap preheaters. Anything is possible - but with an evaporator the idea is to get rid of water in the form of steam as fast as possible. A Power Plant Boiler is very efficient and hundreds of little tricks are used to make steam to spin turbines and recycle back to the Boiler - but - I wont bore you with that and they are saving steam and condensate for reuse over and over. Keep thinking on that though - cause any workable new ideas are always appreciated.

Dennis H.
04-04-2011, 06:56 PM
You could at least use the residual heat in the exhaust to make a preheater of sorts.
Kind of a cool idea if you ask me. Use the most heat to boil the syrup and flue pan and then run the smoke stack to another smaller arch with a smaller pan to heat the sap and possibly evap off some water.
If it sat higher than the evap you could use a float box to regulate the sap into the evap.

04-05-2011, 05:40 AM
LOL - Only thing is Dennis - that if we get too clever and efficient - we could have maple candy or maple sugar in our syrup pans instead of maple syrup --- That could be a good thing though --- if we can get it out of the pans.... Mike

04-05-2011, 06:08 AM
There's a guy just north of me that has done this I haven't seen but have heard about it. He took a home oil tank cut it in half and used two flat bottom home made pans and connected the two with stove pipe and just builds a fire under the one half. He doesn't use floats but rather boiler drains to regulate the flow into the two but he says the second part does boil very hard. There's no partions so he does large batches.

04-05-2011, 07:44 AM
youo people should check out 3% thread in the new hamshere posting. He made a WRU or is it a EEU can't remember. This unit is like a steam away. The vedio shows it real good.

04-05-2011, 08:11 AM
Just make your arch longer - accomplishes the same thing. Keep taking heat off the flue gasses until they only have enough left to rise up the chimney.

Somewhere I have an old 2'x10' partitioned flat pan that I was given years ago. Sap would boil in the last partition, although not as hard as in the front.

A lot simpler and more effective than trying to piggyback evaporators - at least in my opinion.