View Full Version : The end is here

04-04-2011, 11:53 AM
Well I have not gotten any sap in 3 days and the extended forecast does not look good. Not a bad year all things considered. My tap count actually went down almost 60 taps but still managed to bottle 14.5 gallons of syrup. I am definitely going to find a hill side to tap next year as the buckets thing is getting old, and takes to much time. I think I am going to pull my taps on Tuesday night after work. Looks like next weekend will be cleaning everything and putting things away. Have to empty the sugar shack as my next hobby of bee keeping will take it over soon. Sad to see the season end but on the other hand looking for a break.

Received a call from a local newspaper asking me my opions on what Chuck Schummer is trying to pass on allowing sugar makers to tap trees on state lands. I did not have much to say as I was not familiar with the proposed new law but from what I can see it should be a great thing for all. I did forward him to some larger sugar makers in the area.

Now to evaluate my year and see what I want to change and do next year. Other than tapping a hill side and tubing it I think I am going to put a blower on the evaporator and have an aluminum hood build. Just have to figure out what it all going to cost me so I start saving for it now.

Here is to a great off season and a more prosperous next years season.