View Full Version : Crystals Forming too fast

Amber Gold
04-04-2011, 11:48 AM
We use a candy machine to make our candy/cream.

First time making cream from this year's syrup and we heated it to 235 (as usual) let it cool overnight, then tried to make cream the following morning. The syrup was too thick and we couldn't get it out of the trough as fast as it was turing into cream...big mess w/ the auger and trough when it hardened. Typically we put in an ice bath and make cream when it's at 70F. This was the first time we let it sit overnight and the house is in the 50's at night. At thath point we set it aside to turn it into candy at another time.

Yesterday, we added 1/2 gal of syrup to the failed batch, heated to 242F (typical), but I had to run out to get sap, so when I got back (~1.5hrs later), we tried making candy out of it, but it crystalized almost as soon as it hit the auger and it was a bit too thick to go through quick enough...again another trough full of hardened sugar. Syrup was still very hot...guessing 170F or so.

What I'm wondering is if the problems I'm having is because it's the syrup, letting it cool too much, or something else. We've made plenty of cream/candy on this machine and have never had the problems like we've recently had. If it matters, this is the first time we've used this syrup. I've also never seen syrup crystalize as fast as it did yesterday.


04-04-2011, 03:51 PM
i think the syrup you started with already had crystals,from the failed cream attempt.then, by letting it cool to 170, more crystals formed.crystals will form around others and keep multipling pretty fast.even melting down old candy into a new batch will tend to make the new candy grainer

04-04-2011, 07:36 PM
On of the tricks to make maple butter or cream as you guys call it is to add a bit of another batch to it so it forms faster.

04-05-2011, 12:54 AM
You are letting it sit and cool way to long.

Amber Gold
04-12-2011, 06:40 AM
Actually took the time and focused just on making candy over the weekend and it came out fine. The crystals did form a bit faster than normal, but the syrup was hot enough to keep things moving. I hadn't thought before about the old crystals still being there even after heating it up.