View Full Version : Whats happening in canada?

04-01-2011, 11:24 PM
Just wondering what is going on in canada? We seem to be having a humdinger year down here in the states but all the real maple is made in Quebec. Does anybody have any idea how things are going for the big producers up north? Are they getting the great runs up there too or is it still too early to tell? Theron

Thompson's Tree Farm
04-02-2011, 06:11 AM
Still too early. Their first week was a bit slow but seems to be a bit better weather for some this week. Going forward 10 days looks good for them. Better lock in a price......

04-02-2011, 01:39 PM
Around here in Milan Qc, it is freeze, no freeze since a month. i have made 3 gallons of 100 Buckets taps so far, a friend of mine is on gravity, 3 gallons also from 300 taps. Big guys call for about 10% production.

We received 10 " snow yesterday, melting this morning, sap is starting to drip good at noon, tomorrow seems perfect weather, season START :D

04-02-2011, 02:26 PM
Guys here seem to be doing okay so far. Me on the other hand has made nothing yet.Trees just started to produce. The fellow behind the barn had made over 200 gallons in less then a week off of 2700 taps. That was from the 18th to the 24 of march. I haven't had time to go see how he was doing lately.

04-02-2011, 08:19 PM
How long does your season usually go up there? Do you guys usually go all of april? Theron

04-02-2011, 09:05 PM
Last year was 4 march to 6 april, but guys whit vac makes at least 2 wks more.
I am located 1625 ft alt, about 30 miles north of Maine border, still having
+3ft snow on ground.

Usualy, season is mid march to end april, 5-6 wks long for most lower elev. operations. Big guys tap very soon in feb, they are nomw always ready to catch every good weather possibilities.

04-03-2011, 06:40 PM
The season was the same here last year but everybody stopped the same day no matter if buckets or vacuum.Some guys here stop long before the trees stop for some reason.One place I went to had 3000 trees and had everything cleaned up and shut down in the middle of march and I could not find out why they stopped.I believe they run with out any quota and just sell local.

70 Buick
04-03-2011, 07:37 PM
Just really starting for me in the Laurentians
last year we boiled the last time April 4th in Shorts & got sunburned
this year we have 2 feet of snow LOL

04-04-2011, 11:52 AM
Checked the shack history manual yesterday... in the past 4 years we had 2 years end about mid april, and 2 years end first week of april... but all those years were into about 20 degree temps and we haven't been anywhere near that. almost all the snow is out of the woods except in the cedar swamp for me.... I don't think I have ever had snow or ice left anywhere in April before so should be interesting to see how long we go.

04-04-2011, 12:15 PM
Theron - Things are going pretty well in Eastern Ontario. We're at 0.9 L/tap (almost 1 quart) and still making medium syrup. One more average day and we'll pass last year's totals and with a good week we'll exceed our all-time record. The weather has been almost ideal so far and anything we get from now on will be gravy.

You run out of drums yet?

04-04-2011, 02:25 PM
Over here in New Brunswick, I have been getting a slow constant trickle for the past 3 weeks with 10hg of vacuum on 65 taps I was getting 30 gal/week. Last week I started getting 20 gal./day so I think the season is really just starting here. From the amount of snow on the ground and the long range forecast I am guessing that it will be at least the last week of April before I need to pull any taps, but only mother-nature knows the real snswer to that.

04-10-2011, 10:54 AM
A little sap dribbling in today. Boiling this morning and may have small boil tomorrow. will leave the vacuum pumps running until the flow stops or the sap gets buddy. Presently at about 1.3 L/tap. Still ice in the lake next to us, but looking at a low of 14 C (58 F) and thunderstorms tonight. Have not made any amber or dark yet. In terms of total production definitely my best year, probably tied in terms of yield per tap.

04-10-2011, 07:01 PM
Today the Mayor of Milan invited us to visit the new building for is operation, of 22,000 taps, 6x16 oil fired, 4 interior bassin. Very big buiding, 20ft high roof, lot of space around equipments. He said he is around half of production, no big sap this year up to date.

04-10-2011, 07:36 PM
Hasn't froze here for a couple of days and was warm enough today for me to get a sunburn in my t-shirt. Not a drop of sap but the guys on vacuum could be getting some if they leave it on.