View Full Version : When is it over?

04-01-2011, 06:40 PM
When the buds start to open or is there other signs?The last syrup I made today tastes strong not bitter?New so tell me about it!!

04-01-2011, 08:43 PM
I find that it's over when the temps go up over 50 in the day and don't freeze at night. The sap gets hard to keep, and I get sick of boiling it. Time to quit.

04-02-2011, 04:43 AM
When the buds start to open or is there other signs?The last syrup I made today tastes strong not bitter?New so tell me about it!!

Ok -- So You test some late Season Syrup You have been boiling with your Hydrometer and it floats way up and almost out of the test cup -- You will notice near the bottom of the hydrometer (in small print) "Sugarin Season is now Over" ---- thats when You quit for the year... LOL --- Naw -- it is like Revi says --- Yellow sap - Your exhausted -- Wife is mad -- Mosquitos are back - Maples have leaves again ---- You will Know -- Time to Quit - Mike

04-02-2011, 07:18 AM
The sap will be yellow in color when collecting?

04-02-2011, 05:44 PM
The sap will be yellow in color when collecting?

Yes it will - Sometimes near the end You will have one or more trees give yellow sap - just dump on ground - You might collect the same tree later and it will be clear again and is ok. This may go on for a few days and then the sap on most of them will start going yellow or buddy - also you will notice the buds will be swelling and deep red. Now my trees are all sugar maple and a couple of black maples. I not sure if silvers and other trees in the maple family do the same thing. It gets to be a pain collecting - to check each pail prior to dumping in collecting buckets. Mother Nature is a little strange - as somtimes in mid-season a tree might do this then be ok again. Hope I helped -- Mike

04-02-2011, 08:11 PM
We have decided that tomorrow it's over. We've made a lot of syrup and we have run out of wood and we had a great time.

04-02-2011, 08:34 PM
I can now officially say that I have made "buddy" syrup. It smelled odd while cooking down, and it ended up tasting odd as well. It's hard to describe, but trust me - it definitely smells differently when you're cooking. Kind of like a vegetable. My dad thought it was like cauliflower, and my wife thought it was more like a potato. Regardless, it was not good.

So if the sap smells clearly differently, or the boil smells differently, you're done!


04-02-2011, 08:53 PM
It has a different smell and if my thermometer is correct it's boiling at a higher temp right off the bat.214-215 and it has a way to go.I'm going to finish or get it close to taste to learn.

04-02-2011, 08:57 PM
Some buckets are just bright yellow sap - Temps stay above freezing night after night - Wood is gone and I've burned all the furniture in the Sugar house - No good books left to read - I haven't shaved for so long that I look like a ZZ Top Band member - Once I realize how little money that I've made in the last 3 weeks, ITS OVER. But remember its just 11 months until we start over again.

04-02-2011, 09:04 PM
Great description, Juniper Hill. I think sugaring is like lent. You give up on your normal life for a month and live in the woods. We go to our regular jobs of course, but all of our free time is spent boiling. For some strange reason it's really fun.