View Full Version : Trying to start a sugaring project at a school.

03-31-2011, 01:59 PM
To begin with, this is my first post, so forgive me if its in the wrong place.

I'm a High School student in VT, and my friend and I are trying to get a sugaring program started at our school. We have gotten permission and have done some preliminary counting of trees. I think we may have about 300 taps or so to start with. Our hope is that the maple syrup produced could go into a fund for extracurricular activities, so we are trying to keep costs minimal.

First of all, I have a few questions.
Is 300 taps a good size to start with?
how big would the arch need to be for 300 taps?

I have been sugaring with my neighbor so I have an idea of what goes into sugaring, but I'm wondering if anyone has any other suggestions?

Any information and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


03-31-2011, 02:16 PM
Is 300 taps a good size to start with?
how big would the arch need to be for 300 taps?


2-1/2' x 8' would be a good size for 300 taps

03-31-2011, 05:59 PM
I have been thinking about approaching our local school board with the same idea! I've been thinking about it for several years...while trying to work the bugs out in my own sugaring process. Since stumbling onto this site (just a few weeks ago) I've found answers that I had to learn by reinventing the wheel...Like a cement block arch...I thought I was brilliant to come up with that! Anyway...I hope to get a sugaring project in the school at least talked about sometime soon. It'd be a great way to raise funds for...whatever! Where I'm located sugaring is quite the novelty. Please let us know how it goes! Best of luck!

03-31-2011, 06:59 PM

Does anyone have an estimate for how much it would cost to start up an operation of this size?

03-31-2011, 08:27 PM
(just a few weeks ago) I've found answers that I had to learn by reinventing the wheel...Like a cement block arch...I thought I was brilliant to come up with that!

I know the feeling!
on my second version of a homemade coffee roaster. I put flutes on the inside of the chamber then a second set inside of that going the opposite direction. That way it keeps the beans mixing well over a variaty of batch sizes..... pretty cool I thought. much more effective than the angles many people use. then someone gave me a book.... what I did, was "invented" in 1860 to keep the union army in coffee (is that why the south lost?)
good luck on your school project!

03-31-2011, 09:13 PM
My operation is around the 300 tap mark and thus far I'd say I have 7500 in it conservativly. My evaporator was the bulk of that and I wouldnt want to be on anything less than a 2 by 8. I wish my high school would do something like this but that will never happen. Good luck!

03-31-2011, 09:15 PM
did the 7500 include a sugar house?
Thanks for all the help!!

03-31-2011, 09:20 PM
It sure did...brand new 20 by 20. I don't have any fancy stuff in it yet. Pretty much the bare bones min needed to make syrup. Made 46 gallons in it this year. I think if you could find a nice used 2 by 8 that would really help out instead of buying brand new.

03-31-2011, 10:13 PM
It can work but it takes time and a lot of cooperation from alot of people. My daughters FFA class started by tapping the trees on school property and bringing the sap to our sugarhouse. Then they built their own sugarhouse and now they are in their third year of boiling on their own, they make about 50 gallons a year. It is a lot of fund raising and hard work to get a school sugarhouse started, but it is possible.

Monster Maples
03-31-2011, 10:19 PM
First thing I would do is write up a proposal. Take it to the manufacturers. Leader, CDL, etc. See if they would be willing to do anything to help to get it up and running. The univ of vt might be willing to help in some way. Maybe with some slightly used equip or supplies. You never know until you try. And it will never hurt to try.

04-01-2011, 07:52 AM
Thats a great idea about going to uvm and leaders... thanks! I'll do that!

I also came across this used one on craigslist, the price seems right, but its a 3 x 8, so number one would that be to big, and number 2 it says the back pan is galvanized, what are the disadvantages of that? Is galvanized even allowed in VT? Also appears to be missing the front pan, how much should I expect that to run?

Thanks again everyone

04-01-2011, 08:35 AM
Yes I would think the manufacturers would help you out. There are a couple of schools in NH left still boiling. Quite a few have started up and quit in the first couple years.
But look at it this way its in Leader's best interest to give product away here. They'll get you hooked early and you'll be a customer for life.
What county are you in?
Also VT Tech runs a sugaring operation, around 600 taps. You might want to talk to them.

04-01-2011, 08:39 AM
thanks for the suggestion...I'm in Windsor county...