View Full Version : Sap is not dripping-- It's pouring

03-29-2011, 10:15 PM
Had 2 great days here in Shakopee, and looks like at least 3 or 4 more coming up.

This afternoon I had 17 gallons from 12 taps in 3 hours.
26 taps total and brought in 73 gallons Monday and Tuesday.

I've only been doing this 4 years , but this is the best run I've seen.

03-29-2011, 10:37 PM
Same here in EP Leine! We have about 300 gallons to boil tomorrow. Too bad the river is so high, we would love to have you stop by for a "soda"!

03-30-2011, 07:11 AM
Same boat down here in South Dakota. Wifes getting a little concerned about keeping up with it.

SD Dave

03-31-2011, 06:23 AM
We hadn't collected for 9 days! No problem on the sap keeping, though, because it was an ice block for most of that time. Yesterday we collected what ran and what had melted in the buckets and got 300 gallons. Hope to get about the same today with what has run since and additional ice melting.

Trees ran pretty good yesterday, but some still lethargic and none really running hard that I saw. But it was a very good day and today looks even better and the forecast looks pretty good. Major sap to all!

elm creek guy
03-31-2011, 06:54 AM
Got a call last night that some of my 5 gallon buckets were just about. Full finailly some grt mews only got 90 gallons out of 100 trees so far.

03-31-2011, 08:35 AM
put a few sap sacs at my neighbors on monday morning. he called at noon and said i had better get down there and empty the sacs before they tip the trees over!!!!:lol:

03-31-2011, 08:57 AM
Running like crazy here in Sibley County as well. Can't keep up collecting with only having 20 taps and not getting home from work until 6pm. Some of my bags are running over the last couple of days.

03-31-2011, 06:42 PM
Still just sputtering along up here near Bemidji. Processed just over 200 gallons and made around 4 gallons of syrup from 100 taps. Seems like every time the weather just gets the trees going, it cools off again - just like today and tomorrow ---- mid 30s and cloudy. Still have not managed to get anything over 45 or 50 gallons a day ... most days less than 30. Still hoping for some better weather.
On the bright side. the sugar content has gone from barely over 1 to over 3 per cent.

04-01-2011, 07:16 AM
Highislandmapler I know the feeling. I called in sick yesterday to try to get a hold of my sap.

I've collected 200 gallons off of 25 taps the past 2 days. I am tired!!


04-01-2011, 12:33 PM
I boiled about 40 gallons last night, but not to completion yet. Start some more tonight again. was up until 1am . start until about &pm though. I tired today........the beverages I had while boiling didn't help today either!:lol:

04-02-2011, 07:24 AM
I tired today........the beverages I had while boiling didn't help today either!:lol:

Did you try boilermakers:lol:? That might help.


04-02-2011, 11:01 PM
I pulled the taps today. Quantity has been dropping and I see buds on one tree starting to open. Not to mention the fact that I'm worn out.

Last batch is on the Turkey fryer now. Looks like I'll end up with about 7.5 gallons.

I'd be closer to 9 but a hose splice pulled loose on my siphon feed and dumped 45 gallons of sap on the ground, and the 15 or so gallons I had evaped burned in the pan a few nights back. Dammit

04-03-2011, 09:44 AM
Took a weeks vacation at the sugar shack. Boiled off 600 gallons. Sap is still running good and this week looks like it would be great as well.
Only trouble was my sap was only running 1%. Got to use all the new equipment anyway. Cone filtered the sweet water off the arch and again when finished off the gas finisher. Syrup very clear, I was happy about that.


04-03-2011, 05:36 PM
Last batch was a real disappointment. Sugar content must have gone way down after the big run last week. I was expecting the usual 1.5-2 gallons from this batch and didn't even get a gallon. A bit darker as well.

Oh, well- I'ts all done for me for this year except to eat it, trade it, and give it away. ( And start planning for next year )

elm creek guy
04-03-2011, 06:04 PM
Leinie are the trees in the citys budding already? I'm in duluth we still got over a ft of snow I've made 6 gal off just over 100 trees. I'm hopin for more time! Hopefully it gets better as of now worse than last yr

04-03-2011, 07:23 PM
These are yard trees, and most snowcover has been gone for over a week.
I've only noticed the one budding. It won't be long here for the rest.
( Mine are all silver (Soft ) Maples so that might make a difference.

elm creek guy
04-17-2011, 10:14 PM
Thought about pulling taps on saturday but someone stole 30 of my taps and buckets! Emptied 60 other ones with 5 gallon buckets on saturday. Got a call on sunday that over half of them were full again 5 gallons in 26 hours! Looks like the end is near but not without a unbelieveable finish!

04-18-2011, 03:04 AM
With metal prices as high as they are was waiting for this to happen to myself as well. I hate a thief. Sure a sucky way to end the year.