View Full Version : Will cold finished syrup filter through a prefilter?

03-29-2011, 08:31 AM
Decided to bottle the 10 gallons of finished syrup that I have stored in 5 gallon syrup bags. I want to simply pour it from the bags through a prefilter back into the finisher to heat it. The prefilter is just to catch anything that might fall off the bag when I am pouring it. The cold syrup will go through a single prefilter ok without heating it, right?

03-29-2011, 08:38 AM
at least get it room temp or you will still be waiting for quite a while. but yes it will go through

John c
03-29-2011, 09:54 AM
I always filter my finished syrup at room temp because it seems to be totally fool proof for crystal clear syrup. Then I heat to 190 max to be sure niter dosnt begin to form, then bottle.
I believe you lose more actual syrup in the filter at room temp, but a small price to pay for crystal clear product!
My 2 cents anyway.

John c.

Starting Small
03-29-2011, 09:55 AM
I have noticed some "scum" throughout some jars of my syrup, is that what "niter" is? Just looks like nasty stuff, not good looking for sale. Thanks for helping a beginner.

John c
03-29-2011, 10:07 AM
I have noticed some "scum" throughout some jars of my syrup, is that what "niter" is? Just looks like nasty stuff, not good looking for sale. Thanks for helping a beginner.

That's exactly why I filter at room temp! Eventhough I use stainless steel from buckets to evap, I'm still a small timer and quite primitive! When filtering I use a low thread count, white bed sheet and it works very nice for me and the best thing about it is that I just throw it away after I'm done! Just be sure to wet the piece of sheet and wring it out so it's just damp before filtering through it or you will be there all day!