View Full Version : Olive jugs?

John c
03-28-2011, 12:09 PM
So I'm trying to help this kid down the road and I got him started with some frosting buckets from wegmans. I've got a few more taps to give the young lad and would like to give him the hose and buckets at the same time, but this morning wegmans only had HUGE olive jugs that are quite cool actually! Is there any chance that they can be used or will the syrup take on an off flavor from the olives? I've spent all morning scrubbing the heck out of one, first with dawn to remove the oil, then with bleach. It still smells like olives! Lol!

John c.

03-28-2011, 12:26 PM
I am positive the sap will absorb that olive taste. unless a lot of time elapses and it is left open and cleaned often. sometimes it takes several months before a 55 gallon drum that had sunflower oil in it can be deemed sap ready in my opinion
how many taps are you giving him? the reason I ask is a person could always run to the grocery store and get several gallons of water... many times gallons are under a buck. I would just buy them and pour out the water.
then not bother to mention I bought him new ones ;)
does your grocery have a bakery? do they make their own icing or buy the pails of it? check diners and even some fast food places get stuff in in pails

if he emptys gallons out before school he shouldn't lose to much by the time schools out on most days

John c
03-28-2011, 12:49 PM
Thanks KEV! I will figure something else out for him. It's a shame about the olive jugs because they are pretty cool if I do say so myself!

03-28-2011, 01:57 PM
Thanks KEV! I will figure something else out for him. It's a shame about the olive jugs because they are pretty cool if I do say so myself!
I would probably keep them for future use.....but then my wife says someday I will be on one of those horder shows....:lol:

happy thoughts
03-28-2011, 02:03 PM
I have a large olive barrel. Getting the smell out has been challenging. I ran across some hints for cleaning which I plan on trying when the weather warms.


03-28-2011, 02:08 PM
I have a large olive barrel. Getting the smell out has been challenging. I ran across some hints for cleaning which I plan on trying when the weather warms.

pretty much what I do and it does work. the sun helps the oil sweat out of the plastic. I do not use baking powder though I want to be able to smell the oil if its still there.
when you first start it sometimes helps to leave them empty and covered in black plastic. they get warmer and sweat out the oil faster. IMHO

John c
03-28-2011, 02:34 PM
I have a large olive barrel. Getting the smell out has been challenging. I ran across some hints for cleaning which I plan on trying when the weather warms.


Do tell?!?!

03-28-2011, 03:14 PM
i have some, they finish in garage section "used oils" :lol:

sap retreiver
03-28-2011, 03:30 PM
I have a bunch of pickle buckets some olive buckets and a olive barrel. Time ans water. After the oil was 90% plus gone the pressure washer and then fill with water and baking soda like the link said worked for me. a couple of the pickle buckets still have a faint scent but I've never detected in the finish product.

03-29-2011, 02:28 PM
Is this the Wegmans Food stores out of Rochester NY? If so what luck for you. We had just gotten a new Wegmans in South Central Pa (actually less than a mile from our farm) then we sold out and moved to Wisconsin. One othe things we miss the most from the east is Wegmans. So tell me where this store is located that i might have a happy wife once again. we are about 4 hours out of the O hare area. btw you wont get that olive oil out of those buckets even using bleach. We had some nice plastic 55's that where used for Olive oil .. never did get the taste or smell out.

03-29-2011, 02:33 PM
Reread the post // now i see that your in NY not Ill as i thought,, dang! was thinkin i could have a woman happy runnin up an down the aisles of wegmans

John c
03-29-2011, 04:14 PM
Reread the post // now i see that your in NY not Ill as i thought,, dang! was thinkin i could have a woman happy runnin up an down the aisles of wegmans

Yeah, wegmans is the most awesome store I've ever been in. It seems like everything they sell is absolutely amazing! Except for their maple syrup of course! Lol!

John c
03-31-2011, 07:04 PM
After getting some feedback I hung these jugs upside down over my wood stove in the basement. It is our only source of heat so it's always rippin hot down there! After only a few days the smell is almost gone! Perhaps this is the way to go:D